▪ An exploration into the Abstraction of Alternative Religions & Spiritualities, Astrology, Cosmology, Divination, Esotericum Mysticum, Magick, Neo-Paganism, Occult Metaphysical Science, Paranormal Psychology, Polytheism, Shamanism, Tarot, Wicca & Witchcraft (Antiquus et Novus), the Arcane & Esoteric Mysteries from our Ancestral Past to the Here and Now. ▪
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Introducing - Applied Scientific Astrology
Well, discover answers and find solutions at Applied Scientific Astrology [ASA] to your life's most difficult challenges.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Great Magick Spell Books Scam Revealed!

Join in with us if you have ever...
- Been dumped by someone you truly loved...
- Watched some worthless person win all the big prizes...
- Spent hundreds of dollars on self help books only to remain empty-handed...
- Lose something very valuable...
- Wondered whether you are ever going to get anywhere in your life...
The author of Candle Wax and Bells has taken a completely different, unique, and original approach to this whole subject of Magick Spells. One of the "Spells" or what the author calls formulas - a simple, easy to follow set of instructions was so successful he had to give something back. So, he wrote down approximately 40 spells that cover almost every aspect of life for your benefit in the form of an eBook.
Now these amazing secret spells are available for anyone to purchase today.
Monday, October 3, 2011
A Magick Spell Book
Many folks buy books about magick and spellwork hoping that they will be able to cast spells to bring about some change to better their lives only to be disappointed that the so-called spells just don't work! This simple fact means the user is being set up for failure before they have even begun... which also means that the book gets put back on the shelf and forgotten about.
The author of Candle Wax and Bells has taken a completely different, unique, and original approach to this whole subject of Magick Spells. One of the "Spells" or what the author calls formulas - a simple, easy to follow set of instructions was so successful he had to give something back to the community. So, he wrote down approximately 40 spells that cover almost every aspect of life for your benefit in the form of an eBook.
Now these amazing secret spells are available for anyone to purchase today. Read more...
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The Characteristics of Soul
At the dawn of spring, I am reminded by my children the joy of anticipating new life.
They will usually see a flower or two that has made its way through the soil to a world beyond itself. What starts out as a seedling or bulb is transformed by nature's capacity to evolve.
Inside each of us lies dormant an awareness, an identity, an ability to grow beyond what we appear to be. Every moment, we are being challenged by others and by circumstances to create a life that exceeds our present state of living.
To move toward our highest good takes a willingness on our part to let go of what we know to what can be known in and through us. You and I are part of the Created Order we see around us, and we are participants in Creating Order out of what we have been given to care for.
With this in mind, let us turn to ways our soul can be described in the characteristics that make up a flower:
1. The Ground.
The ground nurtures, protects, and gives birth to a flower. Inside the womb of the ground, life is taking root long before we can see it. Because we cannot see a flower that has been planted in the earth, does not mean life is not being created. To be full participants in our world means to be fully connected and rooted in the world we have been given.
2. The Stem.
The stem begins its growth in the earth below and into the sky above. This part of the flower is the connecting characteristic of the plant. Much like humanity, we are in this world without being fully of it. This creates a sacredness to our lives. It is our unique ability to live and grow in a way no one ever has, is, or ever will.
3. The Flower.
In full bloom, a flower is the illumination of all the life that has preceded it. The radiance and color that pour out of it create life. Notice the next time you look at a flower how you are affected by it. You may notice your heart open and be filled with joy. Or, you may notice more energy and clarity in your vision for being blessed with great beauty.
4. The Spirit of a Flower.
The spirit of a flower is the life force moving in and through it. It is the essence of a flower that identifies with your spirit. This part of you opens from the inside out and becomes ONE with the spirit of a flower. It is the same energy that runs in and through you. Like a flower, you begin to radiate your own soul from the essence of your own being.
Each spring, take the time to notice the part of you opening up to new life. Just like flowers, we grow from the inside out. What illuminates in our life began inside us. We nurture these inner qualities of attention until they eventually take root and grow into our daily lives. The growth that follows is created from what we attend to or hold our attention on within us.
Like the pedals of a flower opening to the world around it, we create a presence of awareness. In full bloom, the beauty or the lack thereof touches the lives of everyone around us. As our inner patterns of attention move through us, the world illuminates the seeds of awareness contained within us for so long. Here, a life is created. It is the life of our soul.
Samuel Oliver is the author of What the Dying Teach Us: Lessons on Living.
For more about this author, please visit: http://www.soulandspirit.org
Thursday, August 25, 2011
People of Faith Against the Death Penalty
To all religious leaders, especially those clergy of the Earth Religions and Afrikan Traditional Religions, time is of the essence!
Why? Because no human being has the right to take a life. Life-giving and life-taking are only based upon the holy will and ultimate divine decision of Goddess and God--NOT HUMANKIND!
Please show your support by obtaining 10 ministerial endorsements following the instructions above via the link(s) above.
~ Rev. Dr. Kheti A. Sahure, MscD, DD, ThD
Temple of Kemetic Wicca (Denver Metro)
Thursday, August 18, 2011
How To Perform Daily Devotions
How to Perform Daily Devotions - Step by Step [2011]
by Dr. Kheti A. Sahure
Monday, August 1, 2011
My Review of the Brain Salon
Get focused. Become happier. Even fall asleep. Just by clicking “Play.”
That’s what the producers of a new brainwave program are claiming. Merely slip on your headphones, listen to a little enticing audio, and watch your mental state shift – all within minutes.
Sounds like something from a science fiction movie?
Definitely. And that’s why I absolutely had to check it out.
Exploring the Brain Salon
When I first heard about the Brain Salon, it captured my attention instantly.
Who could resist being able to control how they feel – just by listening to a little audio?
The Brain Salon contains six 30-minute audio sessions, each of which claim to bring about a specific state of mind.
Inside the Brain Salon box, you’ll find CDs containing sessions for creativity, deep sleep, energy, focus, relaxation – there’s even a session for boosting your happiness levels.
All you have to do is slip on your headphones, play the session for you – and watch your state change, on-demand. At least, that’s what the bright orange CD sleeve said.
So, I decided to give it a go.
Delving into "The Zone"
Now, we’ve all been in The Zone at some point before.
That great place where everything just flows, where our thoughts are sharp as a pin, and we perform at our absolute peak.
Well, ‘Razor Sharp’ is one of the Brain Salon sessions that promises to recreate that state. But would it really affect my concentration?
Absent-minded, I played the session using headphones, while checking my morning e-mail.
The euphoric sounds and vibration-style noises initially sounded a little strange, but I soon began enjoying the experience.
Then, almost before I realized, the 30-minute session was over – and, wow, my inbox was clear. That’s a process which usually takes me at least a couple of hours or so each morning.
As I took off the headphones, I also noticed that my mind was completely free of its usual “brain fog” – and that the clarity of my thinking was way above my regular Friday morning standard.
The improvement in my acuity was very noticeable, and the effects lasted throughout the whole day. As an experiment, I skipped a day, then repeated the experiment – and once again experienced the same results.
There could be no doubt about it. The ‘Razor Sharp’ session absolutely put me into a state of total clarity, taking me straight from morning drudge to The Zone in a matter of minutes.
That’s when I got really interested.
The World of "Brainwave Entrainment"
I don’t know about you, but “how stuff works” really interests me.
And being a pretty logical person, I was intensely curious as to how something like the Brain Salon could really backup its claims.
Well, it’s all down to a science known as “brainwave entrainment.”
I’ve spent a lot of time researching this area, and there’s a really useful explanation of the science on the Brain Salon website – but, just for you, here are the essentials.
Every state of mind has a unique electrical signature that can be detected in the brain. These signatures are known as “brainwaves.”
Using specialized equipment, such as an EEG machine, these waves can be measured and recorded. That allows scientists to map what brainwave patterns are present during certain key states of mind.
The Brain Salon sessions use special inaudible pulses, mixed into the music, to recreate certain brainwave signatures, and thereby recreate specific states of mind.
States such as creativity, relaxation, and deep sleep – for example!
It’s completely safe, backed by almost 100 years of brainwave research – and absolutely, unbelievably amazing.
No question about it. I was hooked.
Beyond Basics: Exploring the Sessions
After experimenting with ‘Razor Focus’, I decided to explore the rest of the Brain Salon series – with interesting results.
Being a troubled sleeper, I decided to check out ‘Ultra Deep Sleep’ one night.
I just hit play while lying in my bed, and allowed myself to get soaked up by the deep, etheric, pulsating sounds.
In no time at all, I’d fallen asleep. And not just any sleep, but perhaps one of the deepest, undisturbed, most relaxing sleeps I’ve ever experienced.
The user manual isn't joking when it claims “you’ll probably never hear the end of this session.”
The other sessions proved even more enjoyable.
I used “Happy Pill” one evening prior to a night out, to dig myself out of a bad mood – and get myself feeling peppy for the party night ahead. It worked wonders. I was the life of the party, flowing with charisma and in the greatest of moods.
“On absolute top form,” according to one close friend.
And it doesn’t stop there.
I’ve also used “High Energy Espresso” to really give me a total burst of energy, just before a big day, a gym workout, or anything requiring big time mental muscle.
And “Creative Spark” – which I’ve already used to triple the number of business ideas I produce each week. Oh, and “Power Chill” too – the ideal replacement for a glass of wine after work. It helps you to relax, chill out, and recharge those batteries for the evening ahead.
When the orange Brain Salon box fell onto my doorstep, I couldn’t have imagined the impact it would have on my life.
Who would’ve thought three simple CDs could do so much?
Happiness. Creativity. Deep sleep. Energy. Focus. Relaxation. All in one little box. And all you have to do is hit the “Play” button to activate.
Arthur C. Clarke said that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
This is that advanced technology. And for me, it really does work like magic.
Is this like something from a science fiction movie? Yes.
But does it work? Definitely.
Rating: 10/10
Pros: It works! Powerful. Portable. Sessions for each major mind state.
Cons: Need 30 minutes to listen to each session. Some sessions require headphones. Official website: http://www.brainsalon.com/?a=neurowaves&tid=officialsite
Free MP3 demo: http://www.brainsalon.com/demo/?a=neurowaves&tid=mp3demo
~ Dr. Kheti A. Sahure
Monday, June 27, 2011
It's All In Your Head!
There is a lot of information available online about Personal Development. There are a myriad of different, techniques, solutions, tapes, CDs, seminars etc. But have you ever been able to get them to work? Have you have tried everything on the market? Do you jump on all the new fads and courses? If you do and your life is still not working or you have come to the point where you are seriously starting to doubt if any of this stuff really works then you need to read this article now!
Does this sound like you?
Is nothing working in your life? No matter how many self improvement tapes you listen to do you just seem to be stuck on the same merry-go-round? Is your job is unsatisfying and do your personal relationships “suck”? Are your finances a mess and could your health be better? If can answer “yes” to any of these questions, or worse you can answer “yes” to all of them, then you need to set yourself straight in your own mind!
Firstly, all Personal Development and Self Improvement starts in the mind. All of your current circumstances started in your thoughts. Take a look around you right now. Seriously stop reading this and look around you for several seconds then come back to this article.
What you just saw is your “demonstration”. Everything you see around you, you have attracted into your life - from the chair you are sitting in to the building you occupy. Look at your job - you chose to apply for it (or at least you chose to accept the position). Look at your home. You made the decision to live there. Look at your car, your spouse and your friends. Yep, you chose them all. You must realise then that to change these outer circumstances (the outer experience that stems from your decisions) you must first change yourself on the inside. You must change your decisions and your beliefs about what you are capable of achieving, having and deserving.
And remember, it’s all in your head! Learn more about this here...
▪ Temple of Kemetic Wicca ▪ Spiritual Counseling
Monday, June 20, 2011
Conflict And Controversy Within the Universal Life Church
PRLog (Press Release) – Jun 18, 2011 – Recently, the Universal Life Church, founded in 1959 in Modesto CA, known for its ‘online ordinations’, and mentioned in shows such as ’Friends’ and ’Big Love’, has come under heavy fire from one particular and prolific person of ill-repute, who has been attempting to destroy all credibility of the church by claiming exclusivity to the name ‘Universal Life Church’, denying the validity of essentially ALL ordinations done by the ULC, and making ludicrous claims of legal action against people who disagree with him. The fact is that the ordinations done through the Universal Life Church in Modesto are all recorded by hand. The internet is merely a way to convey the request. This same minister has been making harassing phone calls and sending threatening emails to many ministers, who had at one point been associated with a church calling itself the monastery.
Out of concern for the emotional well-being of the recipients of the harassment, it’s important to get the facts straight. The Universal Life Church was founded in Modesto, CA in 1959, by Rev. Kirby Hensley. Its website is http://www.ulchq.com and they are the International Worldwide Headquarters for the Universal Life Church. They have ordained millions of ministers over the years. They have two websites who they are in regular communication with and who send their ordinations, received from their sites, to headquarters in Modesto. Those two sites are http://www.ulcseminary.org (The Seminary) and http://www.ulc.net (ULC Online). Despite false claims by the above-mentioned person, both of those sites are churches in their own right as well, but still continue to send their ordinations to Modesto for recording. Neither of the people who run those sites were EVER employees or even independent contractors of the monastery.
In August of 2006, there was a split in the ULC, whereas the owner of the original monastery website had his website taken from him under circumstances which are still being debated in the courts. From that time forward, the original Universal Life Church in Modesto ceased all association with the monastery site. Since that time, the monastery has continued to ordain people under their own banner. To confirm the validity of those ordinations, you must consult your local county clerk to confirm that that church has done its due diligence for your state.
Later, the monastery hired a man to run their social networking site. After a time, he left their employ, apparently taking with him their mailing list. He ‘invited’ those ministers to come to his ‘faith-based’, Christian-only, ULC-named church. Some went with him, believing him to be a part of the original ULC, or at least the monastery. He had, in fact, created his own church, using the name ULC. In and of itself, it’s fine to use the name Universal Life Church in your church name, but the problem comes from bad-mouthing and going against all that the ULC stands for.
The ULC is its own denomination and welcomes any real person to become ordained. The focus that the renegade ’Brother’ takes is that ULC is not ‘faith-based’. This is an insult to all of the people of faith who took the step of becoming ordained with great love and intention in their hearts. If you are a Christian, then you are a Christian ULC minister. If you are a Pagan, then you are a Pagan ULC minister. This holds true for people of all belief systems. There is no conflict or question of faith.
There is also no danger of retribution for those who disagree with what that minister has been preaching. You cannot be sued for ‘not adhering to the Christian tenets’ of his church. You can’t be sued for talking to someone from the Seminary, ULC Online or Headquarters. Your ordinations entitle you to do anything that any other minister can do, including (but not limited to) weddings, funerals, starting your own church, ministering to those in need, or any other functions that you feel called to do. Real ULC ministers perform many functions in their communities with personal pride, honor, and integrity.
Those who wish to be ordained with the church which started in and has been in operation since 1959, in Modesto CA, may do so at the above-referenced sites. Ordinations with other churches may well be valid, but are not associated in any way with the original International Worldwide Headquarters of the Universal Life Church.
Source: http://en.netlog.com/groups/universal_life_church_seminary/blog/blogid=4216174
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Western Astrology Fundamentals
This article covers the basics of Astrology and how they are inter-related. Astrology is defined as 'the art or practice of determining the supposed influences of the planets and their motions on human affairs and human disposition'. From this practice a horoscope can be produced - a diagram (or chart) of the relative positions of planets and signs of the Zodiac at a specific time, usually the time of birth. A forecast can then be produced.
The Zodiac:
Western Astrology originated way back, around 500 BC, with a concept called the Zodiac being developed. This comprised of an imaginary sphere surrounding the earth, which followed the path of the Sun through the constellations during the year. The Zodiac was split into twelve sections, each named after the specific constellation noted in that area.
Many ancient philosophies used a set of classical elements to explain the way nature behaved. Each sign was connected to one of the classical elements (fire, earth, air, or water) and was also related to a region of focus; social, personal or universal.
* Water signs are related to growth processes, identification and emotion. In tandem with the other elements, water feels that fire will make it boil, air will evaporate it, but earth will shape and channel it.
* Fire signs are related to action, passion, and energy. In tandem with the other elements, fire feels that earth will smother it, water will drown it, but air will fan and enliven it.
* Air signs are related to thought, perspective and communication. In tandem with the other elements, air feels that water will obscure it, earth will suffocate it, but fire will inspire and uplift it.
* Earth signs are related to sensation, stability, and practicality. In tandem with the other elements, earth feels that air will dry it, fire will dry it, but water will refresh and nourish it.
Each sign is connected to one of three modalities; cardinal (sometimes referred to as movable), fixed, and mutable.
There are four quadrants following the order of the zodiacal signs, with three signs in each. Each quadrant describes a season, beginning with a cardinal sign, continuing to a fixed sign, and ending with a mutable sign.
Modalities and Related Zodiac Signs:
* Mutable signs are related to adaptability, resourcefulness and holism. They are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
* Fixed signs are related to determination, focus and individuality. They are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
* Cardinal signs are related to creativity and initiation. They are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
Summary of Zodiac Sign Characteristics:
* Aries (cardinal, fire, personal): defensive, energetic, head down, assertive, impulsive.
* Taurus (fixed, earth, personal): patient, indulgent, resourceful, thorough, devoted.
* Gemini (mutable, air, personal): quick, logical, inquisitive.
* Cancer (cardinal, water, personal): clinging, protective, sensitive.
* Leo (fixed, fire, social): theatrical, generous, proud.
* Virgo (mutable, earth, social): critically, practical, efficient.
* Libra (cardinal, air, social): lazy, co-operative, fair.
* Scorpio (fixed, water, social): anxious, passionate, sensitive.
* Sagittarius (mutable, fire, universal): careless, free, straightforward.
* Capricorn (cardinal, earth, universal): suspicious, prudent, cautious.
* Aquarius (fixed, air, universal): detached, democratic, unconventional.
* Pisces (mutable, water, universal): distracted, imaginative, sensitive.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Meditative Modalities

Alpha Level thinking and accessing the powerful abilities of our subconscious mind can be reached through meditation. The human brain is an electrochemical organ and is made of many interconnected nerve cells that generate rhythmic fluctuations of voltage between parts of the brain resulting in the flow of electric currents or brainwaves. An alpha brainwave has a frequency between 9 and 14 cycles per second and is in a level between sleep and wakefulness which connects us with our very powerful, intuitive, and creative subconsciousness.
Examples of being in an Alpha state or level:
A person who has just completed a task or activity then sits down to rest, takes time out to meditate, or ponder.
Projecting positive thoughts, ideas, and images into one’s mind during Alpha Level meditation can manifest themselves in real life and create a great deal of positive change. To gain a true understanding of how Alpha works, one should also gain a general understanding of Alpha’s relationship to the other brainwave levels—Beta, Theta, and Delta. This is a very complex topic which the surface has just been skimmed to keep matters simple.
If you want additional information, please visit our Brainwave Frequency, Meditation, and Hypnosis sites.
Copyright © MMV Temple of Kemetic Wicca
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Taoist Master - Daochun Li

{A Thirteenth Century Taoist Master}
Excerpted from:
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Incense & Oil Burners
![]() Ancient Mood Incense Sticks Price: 12.95 100 incense sticks -- 20 each of 5 timeless scents that include Sandalwood, Frankincense, Nag Champa, Egyptian Musk and Tranquility. |
![]() Floral Mood Incense Sticks Price: 12.95 100 incense sticks -- 20 each of 5 timeless scents that include Rose, Orange Blossom, Lavender, Lilac and Hawaiian Flowers. |
![]() Fruity Mood Incense Sticks Price: 12.95 100 incense sticks -- 20 each of 5 timeless scents that include Strawberry, Watermelon, Green Apple, Banana and Creamy Coconut. |
![]() Romantic Mood Incense Sticks Price: 12.95 100 incense sticks -- 20 each of 5 timeless scents that include Romance, Rose, Ocean Mist, Love of Allah and Rain. |
NOTE: Prices Subject To Change Without Prior Notice.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Do You Want To Buy My Worthless U.S. Citizenship INSTANTLY?
Hmmm, you might ponder... what is this all about?
My Answer:
Succinctly, I am offering my United States citizenship - for a sum of money (in English Pounds TBD later and of course very privately via legal counsel) in return - to anyone who wants so much to become an American instantly, who believes that this is the land of plenty, the land of democracy, a better life, and all of the other BS you have been and being fed via the media, and eating-up with glee from here on your visitation visa and/or abroad just salivating like Pavlov's dogs to get here to the United States and assimilate (and/or sell out)! I am certain that many truly believe U.S. citizenship is worth a lot of money! LOL!
There is are several stipulations:
1. I will agree to being stripped of my U.S. citizenship.
2. The U.S. Government must agree to instant citizenship for the individual who takes my place.
3. I promise only to speak the whole truth about the rampant institutionalized racism and the economics of poverty (...as well as the socio-economic disparities, socio-political mismanagement, and religious intolerance evils) perpetrated against all folks of Afrikan (African) descent from pre-Diaspora through the here and now in your America.
4. I willfully decline acceptance of "my" 40 acres and mule!
5. There is much more...
So, with this said, please feel free to contact me. Serious inquiries only--and you already know how to reach out or connect with me!
Dr. Kheti A. Sahure
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Edgar Cayce and the Akashic (Soul) Records
Edgar Cayce is one of world’s most popular contemporary psychics. He is known best for his ability to produce answers for seemingly impossible or improbable questions, such as a person’s health condition or the location of mythic places.
Cayce is able to do this by going into a trance state (self-induced). He too believed in the existence of the Akashic Records and was able to use the Heavenly Library to carry out specific readings for people. He calls the Akashic Records the reservoir of heavenly memories.
Cayce’s Journey to the Akashic Records
Edgar Cayce wrote countless accounts of his journeys to the Heavenly Library. The following is a summary of his first-hand account of how he is able to access and use the Akashic Records during psychic readings:
Phase 1. First, Edgar Cayce would induce an O.B.E. or out of body experience. From his statements, it appears that he is engaging in astral travel, because he sees himself as a tiny dot that actually leaves his physical body behind.
Phase 2. As he leaves his physical body, Edgar Cayce begins to travel (presumably in the astral plane) and darkness begins to shroud him, signaling that he is indeed moving through spiritual space. It is during this time, he says, that he begins to feel very alone. E.C.’s awareness is immense during these O.B.E.s.
Phase 3. Suddenly, his detached self becomes aware of a beam of light in the distance.
Phase 4. He follows the beam of light and it leads him to a space where several levels of existence are present. The first level, according to Cayce, is inhabited by ghastly shapes that one usually finds in nightmares. The second level of existence is inhabited by deformed human beings with irregularly sized body parts. After the second level, he sees hooded beings coming closer and closer to him. Gray in color, these shrouded entities seem to be guarding the Akashic Records.
Phase 5. As Cayce passes the gray, shrouded entities, other beings come into the picture, but these beings have robes that are lighter and less ominous than the first group’s robes. The direction of the beam of light changes, it moves upward and the path of the beam of light is guarded by robed beings with increasingly lighter and lighter colored robes.
Phase 6. Cayce finally finds himself in a plane where there are trees and houses - normal things that we find in living reality. Yet there is no movement or obvious signs of life in this plane - just structures, colors and images that we can say that came from our physical reality. Sound gradually begins to form in this plane of existence (Cayce says that the sounds are quite pleasant to the ears).
Phase 7. He arrives at what he calls the hall of records. The hall of records is not bound structurally - there are no visible floors, walls or even a roof. But this plane is a hall of records, nonetheless. Cayce states that he becomes aware of the presence of an old man that hands him a book - an Akashic Record - of the person for whom he is performing the psychic reading for.
The Reading
From this point onward, Edgar Cayce states in the physical plane (or in our reality) that he now has the records of the person and begins an enlightened psychic reading using the information that he is able to glean from the Akashic Records. Cayce then proceeds to select which parts of the Akashic Records would be most helpful for the present psychic reading.
Learn how to read your Akashic Records.
The akashic records (akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky", "space" or "aether") is a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records are described as containing all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library; other analogies commonly found in discourse on the subject include a "universal supercomputer" and the "Mind of God". People who describe the records assert that they are constantly updated automatically and that they can be accessed through astral projection[1] or when someone is placed under deep hypnosis. The concept was popularized in the theosophical movements of the 19th century and is derived from Hindu philosophy of Samkhya. It is promulgated in the Samkhya philosophy that the Akashic records are automatically recorded in the atoms of akasha (the equivalent of what Aristotle called "aether"), one of the five types of atoms visualized as existing in the atomic theory of Ancient India, called Mahabhuta. In Buddhism it is taught one reason that people knew Gautama Buddha had attained enlightenment as a Buddha was because he was able to remember all of the details of all of his past lives by accessing them on the akashic records. The term akashic records is frequently used in New Age discourse.
Source: Akashic records. (2011, May 10). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 07:09, May 10, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Akashic_records&oldid=428350951
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Fortune Telling: Another Approach
P.R.S. Foli
Another Method
General outline—Signification of cards—How to consult the cards—An illustration—Its reading.
HERE again the pack of thirty-two cards is used, the cards from two to six inclusively being discarded, as in "The Combination of Sevens."
General Outline.
The general meaning pertaining to each suit is as follows: The court cards bear the signification of people, and the king, queen, and knave in each suit suggest relationship. The kings indicate the profession followed.
Thus, the king of spades denotes a literary man, or one whose desires would lead him to the pulpit or the platform.
The king of hearts is the symbol of a wealthy man—one who deals with large sums of money—for instance, a banker, capitalist, or stockbroker.
The king of clubs indicates the mental side of business, and here we look for the lawyer or barrister.
The king of diamonds is a business man—one who will depend on both his brain and hands for work. Diamonds are eminently the practical suit, and must always be consulted with reference to the subject's condition in life. They signify the material side of life, and according to the needs, so this suit indicates success, or the absence of it—failure.
There is a very slight variation in the signification of the cards as given in the preceding method, but it is well to observe it carefully, as the mode of procedure is entirely different.
Signification of Cards.
Ace Quietness and domestic happiness.
Seven Love.
Eight A surprise.
Nine A wish.
Ten A wedding.
Ace Service under the Crown.
Reverse ace A death.
Seven Unpleasant news.
Eight Sorrow or vexation.
Nine Quarrels.
Ten A disappointment.
Ace A letter or ring.
Seven A journey.
Eight Society.
Nine Illness, or sews of a birth.
Ten Money, joy, success.
Clubs.Ace A present.
Seven Gain; good business.
Eight Pleasure.
Nine A proposal.
Ten A journey by water.
How to Consult the Cards.
The inquirer is to shuffle the pack of cards and cut it into three. Take up the cards and let your subject draw any chance card that he pleases. Place this card on the table, and the suit from which it is drawn will determine the representative card, as it is an indication of the character of your subject.
A lady is represented by a queen, a man by a king, and the knave stands for the male relations or thoughts.
After the card is drawn, place the remainder on the table in four rows, beginning each row from left to right.
The cards that immediately surround the king or queen aid us in our judgment of the inquirer; and remember that the right hand card is the more important one.
An Illustration.
A practical illustration will exemplify my meaning, and again we will suppose a lady has cut the cards to have her fortune read.
The cards being shuffled and cut into three, the card was drawn, and as this proved to be a seven of clubs, so the queen represented the subject in this instance. When the cards were placed in order this is how they appeared.
First line.—Seven of clubs, eight of clubs, king of clubs, seven of hearts, king of diamonds, nine of diamonds, ten of diamonds, king of hearts.
Second line.—Seven of spades, nine of spades, knave of hearts, king of spades, eight of spades, queen of spades, ten of spades, ace of diamonds.
Third line.—Ace of spades, knave of clubs, queen of clubs, ten of hearts, ace of hearts, queen of diamonds, ace of clubs, nine of hearts.
Fourth line.—Knave of spades, seven of diamonds, eight of hearts, nine of clubs, eight of diamonds, knave of diamonds, queen of hearts, ten of clubs.
Its Reading.
Now we can proceed with the reading:—
As the suit of clubs is a pleasant one, we may conclude the lady is of a cheerful temperament. The seven itself signifies gain and prosperity, and the eight pleasure, which come to the inquirer through the king of clubs—typical of a solicitor. The seven of hearts indicates that a fair man is in love with the inquirer. The nine of diamonds, with the joyful ten beside it, seems to foretell a birth, and the king of hearts stands for a good friend. But the seven and nine of spades, in conjunction, inform us that some annoyance is coming which is possibly connected with the king of hearts.
The king of spades, accompanied by the eight of that suit, tells that this man is suffering considerable grief and vexation on account of the queen of clubs, suffering which will cause another woman to be jealous.
The queen and ten of spades, with the ace of spades, imply disagreeable tidings; but as the knave of clubs appears side by side with the queen of that suit (the inquirer), and they are followed by the ten of hearts, it will in no wise disturb the affection of either. The knave here may be taken to indicate the thoughts or intentions of the king. The ace of hearts seems to promise great tranquillity and happiness in the domestic life. A near relation, one deeply interested in the queen of clubs, is represented by the queen of diamonds. The ace of clubs shows that a letter is on its way.
The nine of hearts, the wish or betrothal card, follows, and from this I should infer that a proposal of marriage will come by letter, and one which will most probably be accepted. The knave of spades is followed by the seven of diamonds and the eight of hearts, which shows that the queen of clubs has been much loved by some one, and that an offer of marriage will have to be considered either directly before or immediately after a journey. The inquirer will have a great deal of pleasure on a journey. The queen of hearts and knave of diamonds indicate good friends who show her much kindness, and there will be welcome tidings for her across the water.
Now, count the rows, and should the betrothal card (the nine of hearts) appear in the third or fourth row, that number of years must elapse before becoming affianced.
Count the rows again until the one in which the ten of hearts (the marriage card) appears. In this example the betrothal and marriage card both appear in the third row, which indicates that the inquirer will be engaged in about three years, and marriage will take place soon after.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Marie Laveau
Historically, this is a very interesting spell because Marie Laveau has been dubbed by many as "The Queen of Voodoo" of New Orleans and who was actually two people, mother (Marie Laveau I, the mother, supposedly was born in New Orleans in 1794) and then her daughter Marie Laveau II (Marie Laveau Clapion was born February 2, 1827).
"At the age of 70, in 1869, Marie gave her last performance as a voodoo queen. She announced she was retiring. She went to her Saint Ann Street home, but she never completely retired. She continued her prison work until 1875, and died in 1891. Then a similar tall woman with flashing black eyes, with the ability to control lives, emerged as Marie Laveau II." [Quoted from "the MSYTICA"]*
"It was never known whether her mother, Marie I, chose the role for her daughter, or whether Marie II chose the role to follow in her mother's footsteps for herself." [Quoted from "the MSYTICA"]*
The historical truth is a bit sketchy because it has been said that Marie Laveau II was originally a devout Catholic who mixed Catholic religious practices, the Roman Catholic Catechism (a summary of religious doctrine often in the form of questions and answers), Christian prayers and psalms (probably from the biblical hymns in "Book of Psalms") with her practice of Vodoun (Voodoo). She used gris-gris resembling charms and talismans, incense, statues of the Roman Catholic saints and the Virgin Mary, and holy water or "Marie Laveau Water" she more than likely made from New Orleans' Lake Pontchartrain.
"Strangely, Marie II 'died' in the public eye with Marie I seeming to pass into obscurity. Since the public had made no distinction between mother and daughter, the death of one ended the career of the other." [Quoted from "The MSYTICA"]*
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Beltane Ritual

Milwaukee, WI
2001 C.E. (Common Era)

Kemetic Symbolism:
North – Earth
South – Fire
East – Air
West – Water
Ether or Aeythyr (Ka or Spirit): Isis, Bast, Sekhmet, Horus, Osiris, Ra, Thoth, Geb, or deity (deities) of your choice since we are melding the Craft with Kemeticism.
Qebehsenuef: East – Sunrise (rebirth)
Duamutef: South – Upper Egypt – Lotus flower or plant
Imseti: West – Sunset
It has been said that the Festival of Hathor & Horus was the wedding between Hathor and Horus but took place some time in mid-May not on May 1st. May 1st was the day adopted by early Cunning Folk in Britain. And in some locales (primarily, in Europe as ancient Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic festivals in Ireland, Scotland, the Isle of Man, Wales, Brittany, and Cornwall), Beltane is celebrated from April 30th to May 5th.
1. Dress in a kaftan (caftan) or ritual garb of your choice.
4. You will need a sistrum, two candles (representing Hathor and Horus), incense, Egyptian artifacts, and your usual ritual tools. For those of you who can perform this outdoors, then rally and dance around your maypole and bonfire in glee and merriment.
5. Optional – Facing south, cast your circle.
In Ancient Egypt, sunrise or dawn was considered the most important time of day to perform spiritual rituals and ceremonies.
Sunrise or Dawn is dedicated to Horus.
Priest or Priestess:
Call upon the presence of Hathor and Horus (both as the spirit entity), Duamutef (south), Hapi (north), Qebehsenuef (east), Imseti (west) by reciting:
“I conjure thee Hathor and Horus, Duamutef of southern watchtower, Hapi of the northern watchtower, Qebehsenuef of the eastern watchtower, Imseti of the western watchtower.”
[Visualize and meditate as you’re doing this in order to connect with these deities]
[Shake sistrum]
[Light the two candles]
Priest or Priestess recites:
“Hail to all for your presence and your blessings of goodwill throughout this ceremony, for this is the height of Spring and the flowering of life, O Beltane!”
[Light the incense]
“I am purified with natron; thus I am pure, and pure are the words which come forth from my mouth—ii-wy em hotep!”
“Goddess Hathor, the gentler sister of Sekhmet, I welcome the love and light you bring and allow it to shed away all pain, sorrow, and regrets for what has not been fulfilled—bring joy in what has been done. Lord Horus, hawk of dawn, may your shining eye bring rays of light, health, hope, and good fortune as the day is renewed.”
[Shake sistrum]
Priest or Priestess recites:
“O Beltane, O Beltane,
I dance with delight in the twilight o’ the Beltane night.
Hathor of the west and Horus of the east,
May I awake renewed in peace.”
[Shake sistrum]
Priest or Priestess:
[At this point, prance or walk Deosil around the circle three times, spiraling inward and toward the center]
[If you created a fire in your cauldron upon your altar, then extinguish it at this time]
[Shake sistrum]
Priest or Priestess recites in closing:
“In praise of thee shining Eye of Horus and of thee Great Lady Hathor and their eternal union, Blesséd Be.”
[Shake sistrum]
[Thank the deities for their attendance and assistance during this rite; bid them farewell, then banish the circle, hexagram, pyramid, etc. if you did cast one]
Friday, April 29, 2011
Anna Riva (Dorothy Spencer) Books
Art of Divination (1995)
Candle Burning Magic (1980)
Devotions to the Saints (1982)
Golden Secrets of Mystic Oils (1990)
How to Conduct a Séance (1997)
Magic with Incense and Powders (1985)
Modern Witchcraft Spellbook (1973)
Powers of the Psalms (1982)
Prayer Book (1984)
Secrets of Magical Seals (1975)
Six Lessons in Crystal Gazing (1993)
Spellcraft, Hexcraft and Witchcraft (1977)
The Modern Herbal Spellbook (1974)
Voodoo Handbook of Cult Secrets (1974)
Voodoo Handbook of Cult Secrets (1996)
Your Lucky Numbers Forever (1992)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Amen: One Definition

This word derives from an etymological, Semitic (Hebrew) root word meaning "fixed" or "sure” with many different pantheistic (i.e., the worship or divination of all goddesses and gods along all lines of creeds) scriptural references. Another etymological note, regarding the word "Semitic", and according to the Merriam-Webster definition:
"…of, relating to, or constituting a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic…"
To continue, this word, "Amen", is generally capitalized in many circles. "Amen" is also considered to be a form interjection—spoken and grammatically. "Amen" is also a word that is sung (found in secular music such as in a hymn) and used as a form of salutation. "Amen" has been expressed by many people, in the United States, during the 1960's and 1970's as a form of agreement such as, "Amen brother or Amen sister"; similar to the expression "Right On!" which is just as spiritual in many communities, cultural, and non-secular circles. The Greek version of the Old Testament (or "diatheke") often scripturally translates "Amen" as meaning "so be it" which is quite similar in connotation to the phrase, "So mote it be", found in many metaphysical spellwork and rituals of the Old Religion (i.e., Witchcraft) and Neo-Pagan Wicca. The word "mote" derives from the archaic--meaning "may or might".
Around the 2nd century C.E., the Christian faith had assimilated the word "amen" into its doxology (i.e., as a liturgical expression of praise to their god) along with and in reference to its monotheistic premises and evangelical regime vehemently (i.e., "by any means necessary") attempting to force everyone into its belief system as unfortunately being witnessed in the United States of today; and as historically noted from the earlier Christian twelve centuries of suppression of heresy, holy inquisition, and the Burning Times.
In the final analysis, this word "amen or Amen" has often been interpreted as a spiritually, solemn assertion or approval of one’s faith.
Copyright © 2005 Temple of Kemetic Wicca
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Pagan Christs
Scanned, proofed and formatted by John Bruno Hare at sacred-texts.com, Sept-Oct 2007. This book is in the public domain in the US because it was published prior to 1923.
Pagan Christs, by John M. Robertson, [1911], at sacred-texts.com
[p. 1]
section 1.
IT seems probable, despite theological cavils, that Petronius was right in his signal saying, Fear first made the Gods. In the words of a recent hierologist, "we may be sure that primitive man took to himself the credit of his successful attempts to work the mechanism of nature for his own advantage, but when the machinery did not work he ascribed the fault to some over-ruling supernatural power.....It was the violation of [previously exploited] sequences, and the frustration of his expectations, by which the belief in supernatural power was, not created, but first called forth." [*1]
The fact that this writer proceeds to repudiate his own doctrine [*2] is no reason why we should, save to the extent of noting the temerity of his use of the term "supernatural." There are some very strong reasons, apart from the a priori one cited above, for thinking that the earliest human notions of superhuman beings were framed in terms of fear. Perhaps the strongest of all is the fact that savages and barbarians in nearly all parts of the world appear to regard disease and death as invariably due to purposive hostile action, whether normal, magical, or "spiritual." [*3] Not even old age is for
[p. 2]
many of these primitive thinkers a probable natural cause of death. [*1] If then the life of early man was not much less troublous than that of contemporary primitives, he is likely to have been moved as much as they to conceive of the unseen powers as malevolent. "On the Gold Coast," says a close student, "the majority of these spirits are malignant......I believe that originally all were conceived as malignant." [*2]
And how, indeed, could it be otherwise? Those who will not assent have forgotten, as indeed most anthropologists strangely forget when they are discussing the beginnings of religion, that man as we know him is descended from something less human, more brute, something nearer the predatory beast life of fear and foray.
[p. 3]
[paragraph continues] When in the period of upward movement which we term civilisation, as distinct from animal savagery, there could arise thrills of yearning or gratitude towards unknown powers, we are aeons off from the stage of subterhuman growth in which the germs of conceptual religion must have stirred. If the argument is to be that there is no religion until man loves his Gods, let it be plainly put, and let not a verbal definition become a petitio principii. If, again, no numina are to be termed Gods but those who are loved, let that proposition too be put as a simple definition of term. But if we are to look for the beginnings of the human notion of numina, of unseen spirits who operate in Nature and interfere with man, let it be as plainly put that they presumably occurred when fear of the unknown was normal, and gratitude to an Unknown impossible.
But in saying that fear first made the Gods, or made the first Gods, we imply that other God-making forces came into play later; and no dispute arises when this is affirmed of the process of making the Gods of the higher religions, in their later forms. Even here, at the outset, the play of gratitude is no such ennobling exercise as to involve much lifting of the moral standpoint; and even in the higher religions gratitude to the God is often correlative with fear of the evil spirits whom he wards off. This factor is constantly present in the gospels and in the polemic of the early Fathers; [*1] and has never disappeared from religious life. The pietist who in our own day pours out thanks to "Providence" for saving him in the earthquake in which myriads have perished is no more ethically attractive than philosophically persuasive; and the gratitude of savages and barbarians for favours received and expected can hardly have been more refined. It might even be said that a cruder egoism presides over the making of Good Gods than over the birth of the Gods of Fear; [*2] the former having their probable origin in an individualistic as against a tribal instinct. But it may be granted that the God who ostensibly begins as a private guardian angel or family spirit may become the germ of a more ethical cultus than that of the God generically feared. And the process chronically recurs. There is, indeed, no generic severance between the Gods of fear and the Gods of love, most deities of the more advanced races having both aspects: nevertheless, certain specified deities are so largely shaped by men's affections that they might recognisably be termed the Beloved Gods.
[p. 4]
It will on the whole be helpful to an understanding of the subject if we name such Gods, in terms of current conceptions, the Christs of the world's pantheon. That title, indeed, no less fitly includes figures which do not strictly rank as Gods; but in thus widely relating it we shall be rather elucidating than obscuring religious history. Only by some such collocation of ideas can the inquirer surmount his presuppositions and take the decisive step towards seeing the religions of mankind as alike man-made. On the other hand, he is not thereby committed to any one view in the field of history proper; he is left free to argue for a historical Christ as for a historical Buddha.
Even on the ground of the concept of evolution, however, scientific agreement is still hindered by persistence in the old classifications. The trouble meets us on one line in arbitrary fundamental separations between mythology and religion, early religion and early ethics, religion and magic, genuine myths and non-genuine myths. [*1] On another line it meets us in the shape of a sudden and local reopening of the problem of theistic intervention in a quasi-philosophical form, or a wilful repudiation of naturalistic method when the inquiry reaches current beliefs. Thus results which were reached by disinterested scholarship a generation ago are sought to be subverted, not by a more thorough scholarship, but by keeping away from the scholarly problem and suggesting a new standard of values, open to no rational tests. It may be well, therefore, to clear the ground so far as may be of such dispute at the outset by stating and vindicating the naturalistic position in regard to it.
Preface to the Second Edition
Part I. The Rationale of Religion
Chapter I. The Naturalness of all Belief
§ 1. Origin of the Gods from Fear
§ 2. All Belief Results of Reasoning
§ 3. Dr. Jevons’ Theories of Religious Evolution
§ 4. Scientific View of the Religious Evolution
§ 5. Dr. Frazer's Definition
§ 6. The Scientific Induction
§ 7. Dr. Jevons’ Series of Self-Contradictions
§ 8. His Contradictory Doctrine of the Conditions of the Survival of Religion
§ 9. The Continuity of Religious Phenomena
§ 10. Dr. Frazer's Sociological Vindication of the Sorcerer
§ 11. The Beginning of the End of Religion
§ 12. Historic View of Ancestor Worship
§ 13. The Authoritarian Element a Mark of Religion
§ 14. Definition of Religion
Chapter II. Comparison and Appraisement of Religions
§ 1. Early Forces of Reform
§ 2. Reform as a Religious Process
§ 3. Polytheism and Monotheism
§ 4. Hebrews and Babylonians
§ 5. Forces of Religious Evolution
§ 6. The Hebrew Evolution
§ 7. Post-Exilic Phases
§ 8. Revival and Disintegration
§ 9. Conclusion
Part II. Secondary God-Making
Chapter I. The Sacrificed Saviour-God
§ 1. Totemism and Sacraments
§ 2. Theory and Ritual of Human Sacrifice
§ 3. The Christian Crucifixion
§ 4. Vogue of Human Sacrifice
§ 5. The Divinity of the Victim
§ 6. The Cannibal Sacrament
§ 7. The Semitic Antecedents
§ 8. The Judaic Evolution
§ 9. Specific Survivals in Judaism
§ 10. The Pre-Christian Jesus-God
§ 11. Private Jewish Eucharists
§ 12. The Eucharist in Orthodox Judaism
§ 13. Special Features of the Crucifixion Myth
§ 14. Possible Historical Elements
§ 15. The Gospel Mystery-Play
§ 16. The Mystery-Play and the Cultus
§ 17. Further Pagan Adaptations
§ 18. Synopsis and Conclusion: Genealogy of Human Sacrifice and Sacrament
Chapter II. The Teaching God
§ 1. Primary and Secondary Ideas
§ 2. The Logos
§ 3. Derivations of the Christian Logos
§ 4. The Search for a Historical Jesus
§ 5. The Critical Problem
§ 6. Collapse of the Constructive Case
§ 7. Parallel Problems
§ 8. The Problem of Buddhist Origins
§ 9. Buddhism and Buddhas
§ 10. The Buddhist Cruces
§ 11. Sociological Clues
§ 12. Buddhism and Asoka
§ 13. The Buddha Myth
§ 14. The Problem of Manichæus
§ 15. The Manichean Solution
§ 16. The Case of Apollonius of Tyana
Part III. Mithraism
§ 1. Introductory
§ 2. Beginnings of Cult
§ 3. Zoroastrianism
§ 4. Evolution of Mithra
§ 5. The Process of Syncretism
§ 6. Symbols of Mithra
§ 7. The Cultus
§ 8. The Creed
§ 9. Mithraism and Christianity
§ 10. Further Christian Parallels
§ 11. The Vogue of Mithraism
§ 12. Absorption in Christianity
§ 13. The Point of Junction
Part IV. The Religions of Ancient America
§ 1. American Racial Origins
§ 2. Aztecs and Peruvians
§ 3. Primitive Religion and Human Sacrifice
§ 4. The Mexican Cultus
§ 5. Mexican Sacrifices and Cannibal Sacraments
§ 6. Mexican Ethics
§ 7. The Mexican White Christ
§ 8. The Fatality of the Priesthood
§ 9. The Religion of Peru
§ 10. Conclusion
Appendix A. The Eating of the Crucified Human Sacrifice
Appendix B. Dramatic and Ritual Survivals
Appendix C. Replies to Criticisms