Monday, October 31, 2005


Traditionally, Samhain (All Hallows Eve, Halloween, Hallowmas, Samhuin, etc.) actually occurs on or around November 5th of each year in the northern hemisphere; this is due to the precession of the equinoxes or the slow westward motion of the equinoxes along the Sun’s plane (ecliptic); depending on one’s geographic location, this harvest festival may be celebrated between October 31st and 5th. Samhain begins the winter quarter which ends with Imbolc; is the third and final harvest festival representing the end of the cycle with rebirth coming during Yule; and is a point in time for divination and honoring the dead.

Traditionally, Samhain begins at sundown on October 31st and ends at sundown on November 1st (All Hallows Day). Samhain, to the Celts, was called the Feast of the Dead and the Night of the Wild Hunt. Samhain aptly follows the Hunter’s Moon. Samhain marked the end and the start of the Celtic New Year. The Celtic word, Samhain, literally means “Summer’s end”. This is a time to gather all of the harvests of corn, apples, barley, oats, pumpkins, pomegranates, wheat, turnips, nuts, berries, etc.

Samhain is one of the most magickal times during the harvest cycle because the Gods and Goddesses drew themselves very close to the Earth with their blessings for a prosperous New Year. Bonfire rituals abound during Samhain and magick is most powerful because there is a very close association with the physical world and the spirit world.

~ Merry Samhain ~

© 2005 The Temple of Kheti

Monday, October 24, 2005

To Rosa Parks - Our Blessings

Our blessings go out to Rosa Lee Parks whose spirit has moved onward to Summerland.
And to her family and friends,
our condolences are sent forth to you.
Blessed Be.

Wa'eb Sifu H.A. Diop
Wa'eb D.M. Raven
On behalf of the Temple of Kheti and Rev. Dr. Kheti Sahure

In the News

"Wiccans, RFID, Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart goes Wicca"

By Judi McLeod

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

"The five and dime department store of the past is where your mother treated you to balloons and lollipops. Now you can buy books at the five and dime that teach you how to cast a spell on mother . . ."

Full Story:
Canada Free Press

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Temple of Kheti - Update

Greetings to all,

Even though I am on sabbatical, it is with great honor to re-announce the ordainment and installment of two new members into the Priesthood of the Temple of Kheti Kemetic-Witchcraft Tradition.

Both have been long time friends from the ancient past to the here and now and have proven worthy of inclusion with the Temple of Kheti (ToK) as ordained Ministers and Priests.

And without further ado, I present universally:

Rev. H.A. Diop, Wa'eb - 2/D (2nd Degree/ToK Kemetic-Witchcraft Tradition)

Rev. D.M. Raven, Wa'eb - 1/D (1st Degree/ToK Kemetic-Witchcraft Tradition)

Yes indeed, yes indeed--please welcome these learned men in the light of the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon and the Dianic Witchcraft Tradition to the Temple of Kheti.

Please feel free to get in contact with Wa'eb Diop and/or Wa'eb Raven to congratulate them and speak with both clergy about how they may assist you in your spiritual matters. A re-announcement of the ToK Presiding Ministers will be added soon to the ToK website because we do want to announce our new High Priestess honorably too.

Move forward proactively and purposefully,

Em hotep & Blesséd Be,

Rev. Dr. Kheti A. Sahure,
Elder High Priest
The Temple of Kheti

Friday, October 21, 2005

Musings of Sifu H.A. Diop 10.21.05

The time has neared where many wrongs will be righted!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Recipe Korner: Chicken Salad

By Doc Kheti

2 lbs. fully cooked lean chicken sliced into small cubes
½ cup finely chopped white, red, or yellow onion (substitute green onion or leek)
½ cup finely chopped celery
2 hard-boiled eggs (medium to large)
1 tsp. fresh basil
1 tsp. fresh parsley
1 tsp. finely ground black pepper
1 pinch of garlic powder
½ - 1 cup of mayonnaise

Combine the first 7 ingredients in a large bowl.

Finely chop the 2 hard-boiled eggs after they have been chilled then add.

Add mayonnaise, just enough to moisten the chicken salad.

Mix well, cover and then chill to allow the flavors to mingle.

Salt to taste with finely ground sea salt if you wish.

Upon serving, garnish with your favorite lettuce, greens, or tomato; or serve with your favorite bread or cracker.

Organic, low-fat, and low-calorie ingredients are preferred for this wonderful chicken salad.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Musings of Sifu H.A. Diop 10.18.05

Once the time feels right, then and only then will your will allow you to prepare and become involved in the process of personal change leading to a chimerical self-transformation.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Poem: My Child

Thirteen years ago you took my child
You made her believe it was right
And said it was a game
And she believed

She trusted you
I trusted you to protect her
At a time when I needed you most

Even though she knew it was wrong
She thought it was for the best
She didn’t want problems to be there

You hurt her in ways even I don’t understand
You took her youth away
You betrayed her
You took away the years that were important

You returned her to me threes years later
She doesn’t understand the damage done
And didn’t know what to do

My child has grown up confused
She doesn’t understand herself
You tried everything to keep her
She escaped the only way she knew
That was to another

You didn’t like this
You tried to destroy it
So that you could keep her to yourself
It didn’t work

By then she was stronger than
Even you could imagine
She finally has the strength to stand-alone
Even no she stands alone

But she didn’t understand why
You took her
She is still very afraid that you will return
As you still do in her nightmares

Everythime she thinks she has inner peace
You return to haunt her
She is scared once again

She cannot cope with you
You took her away
She found a small reminder of you
So now she is lost again

Copyright © November 6, 2001 by Bronwyn

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Musings of Sifu H.A. Diop 10.16.05

Remain positive in your thoughts and actions so that you will be able to use your magickal gifts to help bring you back to where you desire and need to be—homeostasis of thee qi/chi.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Musings of Sifu H.A. Diop 10.15.05

The Moron

The sole intent of a moron is to infuse some unsuspecting other with his or her hidden agenda of insecurities.

Always attempt to offer, express, and project very salient and cogent reasoning when one, unfortunately, encounters a moron.

And please remind the moron by saying, “I have never suggested or meant to imply that you are a dummy.”

Friday, October 14, 2005

Poem: The Return

Once we shared a life together
And a love so strong
That very few experience or understand

Out of this love
We created a life
Which brought on new dimensions
Then one day very suddenly it was all taken away

Now we returned
To find each other again
Only to find our love just as strong as before

To begin with we did not understand it
As we both had never felt
Anything likes it before
But we knew never would again

A love like ours has been carried over from many lifetimes
And only gets stronger

So in this life we are together
To make sure we don’t lose each other again
Like we did before

We learnt by what has happened before
So we do not need to learn those lessons again

Right now we share a bond that
Is so strong can break it not even us
For each new life we enters we will

Copyright © May 27, 2000 by Bronwyn

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Poem: When Two Souls of Love Meet

When two souls of love meet
They dance and rejoice
The souls of love communicate in a way
An understanding that words can not explain

Energies flow rapidly
Sparks fly off each other that dance in the wind
Verbal communication is on a level unlike any other

The experience is unique
Sending a tingling sensation through our bodies
These souls know when they are going to
Meet well in advance before the lover’s even do

Allowing for a sensation of anticipation to occur
Causing a person to hunger
For their soul of love to return
So that they can enjoy the adrenalins of
Emotions again

Copyright © July 25, 1999 by Bronwyn

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Poem: The Mist of Life

In the deepest mist of night
With no way through the fog
No roads visible
No paths to take
No clear way out

Then in this darkest mist
I sense you there
I can’t see you
But I know you are with me

Guiding me through to safety
Protecting me from the elements
Until I complete my journey
To where our destiny is taking us

Till the day we are together just remember
That we are near

Trust within it will show us the way
To clear this fog
To see the right way for us to go

When we met at our crossroads
We will become one
And continue our journey together

Each of us will know
We will have the strength and courage to continue

No matter what obstacle is in our way?
We will be able to see the path
As we are now together
And know we have each other
For this ride

Copyright © May 25, 2005 by Bronwyn

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Poem: You Are From My Dreams

For many years I have been watchful and
Dreaming for the right one for me
There has always been this one
That has dark hair but no face
But his touch was always the same

In my dreams he has always made me feel
Completely at peace with myself
My fears

He has constantly been with me
Every slumberous night for years
I have met with him
I enjoy the world of our dreams

I once made a wish for the one
To come into my life that from
The moment we met we would know

That I could fee completely at ease with and
That our love should be so strong
Nothing would stand in our way
Not time
Not space
Not life

Now you have emerged from my mind
After I had given all hope up in finding you
We are the same as in our slumber
We’ve talked about how it feels like we’ve
Been together for years
When we have been together since time began
Yes darling dreams can come true

Copyright © September 5, 2001 by Bronwyn

Monday, October 10, 2005

Musings of Sifu H.A. Diop 10.10.05

A Few Things To Ponder

Are you truly pleased with the presentation or projection of your inner self in everyday life?

What is it you truly seek in and out of everyday life which is meaningful and purposeful?

Are you truly pleased with your inner self in the here and now?

Sunday, October 9, 2005


"All our thoughts and concepts are called up by sense-experiences and have a meaning only in reference to these sense-experiences. On the other hand, however, they are productsof the spontaneous activity of our minds; they are thus in no wise logical consequences of the contents of these sense-experiences. If, therefore, we wish to grasp the essence of a complex of abstract notions we must for the one part investigate the mutual relationships between the concepts and the assertions made about them; for the other, we must investigate how they are related to the experiences."

Albert Einstein

Saturday, October 8, 2005

Musings of Sifu H.A. Diop 10.08.05

Life is . . .
nothing more than a Spiritually Metaphysical compilation and compendium, reference
and resource of and from the heart, soul, and mind, travel and travail, journey and
experiential, trial and tribulation, yin-yang, heritage, emergence and arrival of
purposefulness, discovery and epiphany, point and counterpoint, inner and outer physical
body revelation, magick, spells and rituals, postulates, theorems, and theories, a geometry of
tangents and cotangents, physics and chemistry or biology consisting of the arcane and curio,
and the philosophy of one's own cogent mind.

Shape your thoughts within your own mind,
Think for yourself,
Never be led by fools . . .

Sifu H.A. Diop, Wa'eb

Friday, October 7, 2005

Musings of Sifu H.A. Diop 10.07.05

Elemental energy within nature is the quintessence of the

material elements


Earth (Sandstone), Air (Alabaster), Fire (Granite), and Water (Limestone).

Sifu H.A. Diop, Wa'eb

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Intelligent Design

" The 'Intelligent Design' Case: Fighting for Religious Liberty"

ACLU - October 6, 2005

“The 21st century version of the Scopes trial opened up on Monday, September 26 in Dover, Pennsylvania. The trial of Kitzmiller v. Dover will test whether American public schools can introduce the idea of ‘Intelligent Design’ as a part of science education.

The lawsuit challenges a controversial decision made in October by the Dover Area School Board to require biology teachers to present ‘intelligent design’ as an alternative to the scientific theory of evolution. ‘Intelligent design’ is an assertion that a supernatural entity is responsible for the creation of life. The lawsuit argues that such an assertion is a controversial religious theory that falls completely outside of mainstream science.

‘Intelligent design’ is a pseudo-science that has been repudiated by every leading scientific organization, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Academy of Sciences. Each of these organizations asserts that the ideas promoted by ID advocates lack any scientific merit and that their claims cannot be supported by scientific research.

As The New York Times explained, ‘with the new political empowerment of religious conservatives, challenges to evolution are popping up with greater frequency in schools, courts and legislatures.’

The ACLU is leading the legal challenge against the activists and political lobbyists who are attempting to insert their personal religious beliefs into science education, as if it were science. By trying to use governments to give the prestigious label of ‘science’ to their beliefs, these activists are misleading children and parents and are endangering religious freedom for all Americans.”

Read more about the controversial Dover case at:

The ACLU could not have said this any better because our religious liberties are at stake. No one particular religion should reign supreme over any other, let alone shoved down everyone's throat! We support the ACLU because Intelligent Design has no place in the classroom. No one should be imposed upon, repressed, or oppressed by any religion, religious leaders or organizations. This divisiveness within our country is not what America is suppose to be about--this is a time when we all should draw our collective energies and talents together for the betterment of society.

The Temple of Kheti

Some Truths

Greetings to all of our readers,

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read what we at InnnerLink Metaphysical Journal (a.k.a. ILMJ) have written over some time. Yes, ILMJ writers are theologically based, studied, and experienced in polytheistic theology all the way through the doctoral degree level. And I think one is an Ivy League graduate.

Some of us prefer calling ourselves “Alternative Spiritualists and Practitioners”. Some call us “Pagan” because of their historical misinterpretation and misunderstanding of the true words of what became known as the “Bible” to this day. This tome is not our scripture or canon of belief no matter how many times we are told that we are going to end up in a fictitious place some refer to as “hell”. One would think that adults only believed in fairy tales as children.

We DO NOT evangelize or proselytize!

We ARE NOT satanists or demonists!

We DO NOT believe in hell because there is no such place—PERIOD! So stop-it with that madness!

We DO NOT bash other religious, spiritual belief systems.

And we DO NOT judge anyone!

We are being as diplomatic as possible with our words.

We do not point fingers, dirty digits at anyone, or any organization.We do not allow "direct" comments at ILMJ because of those unsavory, cowardly, individuals who attempt to defecate free speech with their SPAM e-mails, faxes, and telephone calls. Not to “indict” anyone, group of people, or organization-- these infractions against our freedom of religious practice (which harms none) has been proven to be perpetrated by some Christians and Christian groups. I do not wish to indict or make sweeping generalizations.

Truly, the Gospel of Jesus and the 10 Commandments DID NOT mean for a certain few to spend their "spiritual" energies harassing and threatening those who DO NOT share the same belief system.

Yes I went there too because I am not afraid of the religious right, the dominion theocracy, etc. You all are the same “folks” who go to church and praise your lord then go out and send our children into senseless wars to be murdered in the name of democracy—what a BOCS! Talking about hypocracy and heresy! No I’m not pointing fingers. But you all point that same stinkin’ dirty digit at non-Christians all of the time. I have always been pro-America—but America has never been pro-People of Color. When I awake at any time, I praise our Sun, Moon, Planets, Stars, and our Mother Earth—NOT the Dow Jones, NOT the NASDAQ, not materialism!

The U.S. has a trillion dollar deficit--why? This is just unfathomable and abominable.

The truth seems to hurt those of ignorance the most—and we are not speaking about the Americans of all color, race, and creed who are taxed to death in our country otherwise known as “The United States of Taxation America Without Representation”! On another note--"NO" we do not go around casting spells on people--but we will take you to court for discrimination and violation of our human and civil rights!

Why do we still “love” America (and elsewhere) when, in Pueblo, Colorado, no one wants to allow revenue and jobs (i.e., the Pueblo riverfront casino debacle) based on land that was originally “taken” from our true Native American landowners. Why is it that Professor Dr. Ward Churchill WILL NOT speak at the upcoming Columbus Day events here in Colorado? I surmise that Plymouth Rock landed on Doc Ward again as it has landed on people of color again and again in America. Nothing has changed! Thee mountain top Dr. King mightily spoke about has fallen upon all of us! No mockery intended--just the truth!

I’m trying to be politically correct—not that I have anything to lose as a for real Black Man in a racist American society for saying what is the truth! I have never lived in this country with blinders one. I can always reflect back to how we all were treated so negatively, as children, by the local police, local store owners, etc. during the Jim Crow days. Driving while Black and racial profiling are just as bad as walking to school while Black with an arm full of school books way back when.

My true education derives from all of the racist treatment during my life which has not deterred me from seeking a much higher standing in life than many will never get to receive and experience from the Goddesses and Gods of my Pantheon.

Education is wonderful—but where are all the graduates going to work? The minimum wage is a JOKE! Our politicians, their children, and families do not live on this non-existent wage. Why should anyone in America be relegated to this rat hole wage!

For I am a “Chosen One”—period! My kinship is indeed from African Deity! DO NOT make “NO” mistake about this!

As an African-American minister, there is no need for me to act the fool, shout and scream Goddesses this or Gods that--anywhere—especially NOT on television, then beg “the audience” for money to keep me in a big house, expensive car, and clothing—otherwise known as materialism. The Temple of Kheti DOES NOT and HAS NOT received one donation from anyone or anywhere simply because we DO NOT promote bullshit.

Yes I went there! Cussing is much better than what some many non-Pagan clergy have done!

We simply DO NOT preach! But today, someone with character and integrity needs to do so, Pagan clergy or not.

All in all, nothing has changed from a socio-economic-political, human and civil rights perspective for people of color in the United States of America. I truly know that people of color realize that America is truly still based in a plantation mentality of “buy and sell” materialism—OR THE HAVES AND HAVE NOTS!

Some will say--"Why don't you leave America if you are so unhappy?" Well, the answer to that is--Marcus Garvey tried, but y'all wouldn't let us (leave)!

Walk in the shoes of us and live a year or two in the lives of people of color, and then and only they others may see the light of day. I do not need to mention Mississippi or Louisiana either.

We can go on and on about the atrocities of America—but frankly, we have more important spiritual matters to tend to. More to come on these topics.

Em hotep,

The Reverend,
Dr. Kheti A. Sahure, D.D.,
High Priest
The Temple of Kheti

Sifu H.A. Diop,
Executive Director
The Temple of

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Poem: Daddy You Choose Not To

You walked out so long ago
Didn’t you realize the pain it would cause
You didn’t just leave her you left me too

Sure things didn’t work between you and her
But did you have to forget about me too
You left me behind
You abandoned me

Didn’t you love me?
Didn’t you want me?
Did you have to leave me behind?

You could have had your new life
I could’ve been apart of it you just didn’t want me
You abandoned me

Why daddy why
Why did you betray me?
I needed you but you abandoned me
You left me you’re precious child

Something could have been worked out but you choose not too
You choose not to have me in your new life
Arrangements could have been made Nan would have helped
But daddy you choose not too

You wanted your new life you choose not to have me part of it
The blame rests with you
Not me or anyone else but you daddy you were responsible

I reached adulthood I tried to be apart of your life
But all you could do was put the blame on someone else not on you
You are the one that betrayed and abandoned me no one else but you daddy
You did it

I grow up without you how do you think it has affected me
Well daddy I’ll tell you
I’m angry that you abandoned me you couldn’t care enough about me
You didn’t care so long as it wasn’t you

Now do you even care for me?
You expected everyone else to do your part
No matter who he was you didn’t care as long as it wasn’t you

Now do you even care or wonder what you have done to me well listen I’ll tell you
I don’t know what it is like to have the kind of love
That you and I should have shared because you never showed it to me

I fear now to allow anyone near to show me the kind of love that I need
For fear he will abandoned me like you have daddy

Copyright © November 6, 2001 by Bronwyn

Saturday, October 1, 2005

Poem: Invisible

Let it be known,
Let it be said,
Let it be written,
Even in 2005 as we try to thrive,
Ralph Ellison got it right,
We are invisible.
We were invisible then,
We still remain invisible to and within American society.
Richard Wright got it right too,
Even in the land of so many opposing polarities,
We remain as the true native sons and daughters
Our Mother Earth
Within the entire Universe.

Em hotep & Blesséd Be,

Rev. K.A. Sahure