Monday, October 3, 2011

A Magick Spell Book

Many folks buy books about magick and spellwork hoping that they will be able to cast spells to bring about some change to better their lives only to be disappointed that the so-called spells just don't work! This simple fact means the user is being set up for failure before they have even begun... which also means that the book gets put back on the shelf and forgotten about.

The author of Candle Wax and Bells has taken a completely different, unique, and original approach to this whole subject of Magick Spells. One of the "Spells" or what the author calls formulas - a simple, easy to follow set of instructions was so successful he had to give something back to the community. So, he wrote down approximately 40 spells that cover almost every aspect of life for your benefit in the form of an eBook.

Now these amazing secret spells are available for anyone to purchase today. Read more...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

FREE Psychic Reading, WHY?

Free Psychic Reading

FREE Psychic Reading