Saturday, January 31, 2009

Tarot Card Review

An Overture to Review Tarot Cards

Author: Angelys Groshong

Tarot cards consist of twenty one cards for every suit. Scarcely any parts of Europe use the deck to play games, but this is less favored in English speaking countries where the deck is commonly used for divination.

Tarot cards pinpoint their past events back in the 14th century. Speculation denotes that they were founded in Islamic countries, but the leading actual news of them is when they were banned in the dominantly Christian area of Bern, Switzerland. Early tarot decks, anyhow, featured only sixteen trump cards, as compared to the 21 that are promoted in up-to-the-minute decks.

A deck of tarot cards, as they are used nowadays, contains 78 cards, every one of of which contain disparate, meaningful symbols which may be interpreted in a number of ways. The deck contains a total of four suits, and the names of the suits might deviate depending upon the tarot deck one is using. Usually times, the suits are referred to as wands, cups, swords, and coins, which make up what is called the Minor Arcana. Meanwhile, the Major Arcana is made up of of twenty two cards, all of which are used to signify major events or people in a reading.

Reading a tarot card is easy, as each trump card has a distinct meaning. Without regard to, careful interpretation is needed if one wants to read the meaning from the collection of cards. These cards demonstrate astrological connections with readings placed under the context of the Octavian Calendar. Tarot cards are concluded to readily describe the personal and emotional properties of the subject.

The rich and age-ancient tradition of tarot reading is constantly evolving through time. The methods of interpreting tarot cards continue to change to catch up with the civilisation it is living in. The change in meaning could also contribute to the evolution of the card itself. The bits of a tarot card today are far divergent from what it was anteriorly.

Multitudinous tarot readings are done face to face. You could spot someone who reads tarot cards in your local area by fact-finding online, checking local listings or asking at an occult bookshop. You should come prepared with a question or query much of the time, and might pinpoint that while you can gain some advantageous insights from a reading, it is more a perceptive tool than a truly esoteric one. Each tarot reader has their own preferences with regard to how they lay out cards and read them; though, you can reasonable expect that a more complex and time consuming reading will be more costly.

Alternative tarot card reading methods include phone and online readings. While there are free Internet stages to read your fortunes, they are only for illustrate or offered as a gimmick. On the other hand, professional tarot card readers offering their services over the phone may cost about £5.00 per reading. Card reading over the phone offers a variant approach to commercial tarot card reading, since the customer could have a hotline to know his fortunes on demand. Card reading allows populace to display their fortunes checked every morning, which is both convenient and lifestyle altering.

Tarot card reading is seen as a trivial activity today, but many still hold extreme opinions about these cards. Either these cards come from the devil or are legit guide to your fortunes. Whatever value we afford to these cards, there is no question that they reflect a unusual angle to our experiences and customs.

About the Author:

Angelys Groshong is a swell relationship counselling phone clairvoyant who offers clarifcations on tarot card readings as a online counselling spiritualist.

Article Source:

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Temple of Kemetic Wicca - Resources 2009 C.E.

History of Witchcraft

This discussion eGroup is devoted to researching and tracing the historical roots and panoramic history of Witchcraft as well as the Universality of Witchcraft (Global Magick and Witchcraft). The beliefs, traditions, customs, and practices of an earlier time throughout social history will be examined. A concrete study of the evolution of the words, for example, "Witchcraft, Witch, Wicca, and Magic(k)" will be conducted from the insights and perspectives of Alternative Religion Spiritualists. Our endeavors also include the origins (etymologies) of the words "Pagan, Paganism, and Neo-Paganism". From an independent and alternative research approach, topic and subject matter include: The Salem Witch Hunts and Witch Trials; Witchcraft Persecutions and Religious Zealotry; Medieval Magick; Renaissance Mages; Astrology in Antiquity; Religion and Magick During the Middle Ages; the Influence of Alchemy and Esoteric Mysticism on Early Witchcraft practices; Folklore; Grimoires and Book of Shadows (BoS); Spellwork, Incantations, and Rituals; Daemonology (Demonology); and human motivation as it relates to and influences spiritual consciousness.

Hex Witch

Hex Witch is a place where you will find hexes, curses, incantations, and all kinds of spells, rituals, and ceremonies of malcontent. The Art of Hexing and Hexwork from around the world and throughout history, from ancient to modern times, will be discussed as well as how to go about the Transference & Transformation of Energy in your Occult, Magickal workings.

Topics of discussion include but are not limited to:

▪Aboriginal Witchcraft
▪Afrikan Witchcraft
▪Animalia (Familiars & Minions)
▪Black Magick
▪Blood Rituals
▪Candle Magick
▪Cauldron Magick
▪Cemetery (Graveyard) Spellwork
▪Chaos Magick
▪Dark Witchcraft
▪Fire Magick
▪Goofer Dust (Graveyard Dirt)
▪Magick (General)
▪Minions (Fawning, Servile Spirit Entities & Mundane Human Assistants)
▪Native American Witchcraft
▪Night Witches
▪Polarity Magick (Yin-Yang, Gender, etc.)
▪Psychic Domination
▪Rootwork (Conjure)
▪Satanism (LHP)
▪The Nature of Evil
▪Vampyrism (Vampirism)
▪Vodou (Voodoo)

This forum is not for the squeamish, faint of heart, or those who are easily offended. You must be age 18+ to join. This eGroup is overseen, facilitated, guided, and moderated by the ordained Priests & Priestesses of the Temple of Kemetic Wicca.

Antiquus Research Group

The Antiquus Research Group (ARGroup) is an independent, non-profit organization and project devoted to the research, study, teaching, and cogent analysis of the ancient, ancestral, historical, cultural-anthropological, sociological, religio-spiritual, and metaphysical practices of humankind who engaged in the vastness of Alternative Religions  and Spiritualities (ARS) through modern times. The scope and focus involve conducting purposeful independent, original research utilizing technology, innovative qualitative and quantitative (statistical) research design methods. We offer a knowledge base where one can learn the rudiments of social science and humanities research from the basic (simple) through the advanced (complex). Our research projects focus on Afrikan (African) Traditional Religions (e.g., Ifá, Santería, Vodou-Voodoo), Ancient Theology, Archaeology, Divination, Egyptology, Esoteric Mysticism, Geology (crystals, minerals, rocks, and stones), Herbalism, Hoodoo (an African-centric, ethnocultural spirituality and practice of Rootwork - Conjure), Kemeticism (a modern reconstruction and interpretation of Ancient Egyptian religion), Magick, Native American Spirituality, Paganism, Rituals, Shamanism, Spellwork, Wicca (the religion), and Witchcraft (the practice).

Applicatus Occultus Metaphysicus

Applied Occult Metaphysics is for those seekers who are interested in the diverse applications of Witchcraft, Afrikan Traditional Religions (Santería, Vodou, Yoruba Ifá), Kemeticism, Kemetic (Egyptian) Wicca, Hoodoo Rootwork, Traditional Paganism & Neo-Paganism, Pagan Theology, Magick (Heka), Spellwork, Rituals, Divination, Holistic Healing, Esoteric Mysticism & Mystickal Systems, Kinesis, Mythology, Herbalism & Botanicals, Astrology, Tarot, Zoomorphism, Native American Spirituality, Shamanism, Cosomology, I Ching, Thelema (Crowley), Ontology, Sacred Geometry, Psionics, Kabbalah (Qabala), Enochian Magick, Celtic Witchcraft, Philosophy, Theosophy, Hermeticism, Energy Work (e.g., Reiki, Chakra Attunement, Radionics, Auras, Hypnosis (NLP), Radiesthesia, Orgonomy & Orgone Energy) and so much more from the learned perspectives and experientials of practitioners of Alternative Religions & Spiritualities (ARS) worldwide. Newcomers and Seekers of spiritual enlightenment are welcome to apply for membership.