Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Poem: Daddy You Choose Not To

You walked out so long ago
Didn’t you realize the pain it would cause
You didn’t just leave her you left me too

Sure things didn’t work between you and her
But did you have to forget about me too
You left me behind
You abandoned me

Didn’t you love me?
Didn’t you want me?
Did you have to leave me behind?

You could have had your new life
I could’ve been apart of it you just didn’t want me
You abandoned me

Why daddy why
Why did you betray me?
I needed you but you abandoned me
You left me you’re precious child

Something could have been worked out but you choose not too
You choose not to have me in your new life
Arrangements could have been made Nan would have helped
But daddy you choose not too

You wanted your new life you choose not to have me part of it
The blame rests with you
Not me or anyone else but you daddy you were responsible

I reached adulthood I tried to be apart of your life
But all you could do was put the blame on someone else not on you
You are the one that betrayed and abandoned me no one else but you daddy
You did it

I grow up without you how do you think it has affected me
Well daddy I’ll tell you
I’m angry that you abandoned me you couldn’t care enough about me
You didn’t care so long as it wasn’t you

Now do you even care for me?
You expected everyone else to do your part
No matter who he was you didn’t care as long as it wasn’t you

Now do you even care or wonder what you have done to me well listen I’ll tell you
I don’t know what it is like to have the kind of love
That you and I should have shared because you never showed it to me

I fear now to allow anyone near to show me the kind of love that I need
For fear he will abandoned me like you have daddy

Copyright © November 6, 2001 by Bronwyn