Thursday, October 6, 2005

Intelligent Design

" The 'Intelligent Design' Case: Fighting for Religious Liberty"

ACLU - October 6, 2005

“The 21st century version of the Scopes trial opened up on Monday, September 26 in Dover, Pennsylvania. The trial of Kitzmiller v. Dover will test whether American public schools can introduce the idea of ‘Intelligent Design’ as a part of science education.

The lawsuit challenges a controversial decision made in October by the Dover Area School Board to require biology teachers to present ‘intelligent design’ as an alternative to the scientific theory of evolution. ‘Intelligent design’ is an assertion that a supernatural entity is responsible for the creation of life. The lawsuit argues that such an assertion is a controversial religious theory that falls completely outside of mainstream science.

‘Intelligent design’ is a pseudo-science that has been repudiated by every leading scientific organization, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Academy of Sciences. Each of these organizations asserts that the ideas promoted by ID advocates lack any scientific merit and that their claims cannot be supported by scientific research.

As The New York Times explained, ‘with the new political empowerment of religious conservatives, challenges to evolution are popping up with greater frequency in schools, courts and legislatures.’

The ACLU is leading the legal challenge against the activists and political lobbyists who are attempting to insert their personal religious beliefs into science education, as if it were science. By trying to use governments to give the prestigious label of ‘science’ to their beliefs, these activists are misleading children and parents and are endangering religious freedom for all Americans.”

Read more about the controversial Dover case at:

The ACLU could not have said this any better because our religious liberties are at stake. No one particular religion should reign supreme over any other, let alone shoved down everyone's throat! We support the ACLU because Intelligent Design has no place in the classroom. No one should be imposed upon, repressed, or oppressed by any religion, religious leaders or organizations. This divisiveness within our country is not what America is suppose to be about--this is a time when we all should draw our collective energies and talents together for the betterment of society.

The Temple of Kheti