This word derives from an etymological, Semitic (Hebrew) root word meaning "fixed" or "sure” with many different pantheistic (i.e., the worship or divination of all goddesses and gods along all lines of creeds) scriptural references. Another etymological note, regarding the word "Semitic", and according to the Merriam-Webster definition:
"…of, relating to, or constituting a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic…"
To continue, this word, "Amen", is generally capitalized in many circles. "Amen" is also considered to be a form interjection—spoken and grammatically. "Amen" is also a word that is sung (found in secular music such as in a hymn) and used as a form of salutation. "Amen" has been expressed by many people, in the United States, during the 1960's and 1970's as a form of agreement such as, "Amen brother or Amen sister"; similar to the expression "Right On!" which is just as spiritual in many communities, cultural, and non-secular circles. The Greek version of the Old Testament (or "diatheke") often scripturally translates "Amen" as meaning "so be it" which is quite similar in connotation to the phrase, "So mote it be", found in many metaphysical spellwork and rituals of the Old Religion (i.e., Witchcraft) and Neo-Pagan Wicca. The word "mote" derives from the archaic--meaning "may or might".
Around the 2nd century C.E., the Christian faith had assimilated the word "amen" into its doxology (i.e., as a liturgical expression of praise to their god) along with and in reference to its monotheistic premises and evangelical regime vehemently (i.e., "by any means necessary") attempting to force everyone into its belief system as unfortunately being witnessed in the United States of today; and as historically noted from the earlier Christian twelve centuries of suppression of heresy, holy inquisition, and the Burning Times.
In the final analysis, this word "amen or Amen" has often been interpreted as a spiritually, solemn assertion or approval of one’s faith.
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