Sunday, July 29, 2007

Merry Meet Full Moon

Today's Full Moon (8:48 pm EDT) is significant because it is very close to the Lughnasadh (Lammas) Sabbat ("historically" celebrated on August 1st or on July 31st, the Eve of "Lughnassad" depending upon one's geographic and hemispherical locale).

This Sol Day is indeed a wonderful one for performing your spellwork, rituals, and finishing (completing) "time-sensitive" workings of Wytch you may have initiated prior...including, personal protection, revenge, binding, hexcraft, etc. We (the Temple of Kemetic Wicca) are not "fluffy" by no means because the life is what it is and there are many silly peoples in our mundane world out to cause much harm daily! Therefore, leveling the playing field (via Witchcraft, Alternative Spiritual practices, and/or Applied Magick in no certain order) is necessary in order to protect you and yours. Preventative Maintenance is thee key to protecting you and yours within the many Pagan communities of all ages. There are numerous ritualistic ways to engage this Full Moon and thee upcoming Sabbat.

Just keepin' it real--that is, Witchcraft, Wise Craft, and Magick wise...

Merry Part