Monday, August 27, 2007

An Aspect of the Psychical Continuum

A great amount of my ponderings and absolutely Religio-Spiritual Practices (i.e., as I have coined “RSP” acronymically) involve the ever-intertwining spiritual interconnectedness between the mind, body, spirit, and of course—Nature.

As practitioners of the many Arcane Spiritual Arts and culturally-varied forms of Magick—your client’s needs, wants, and sense of urgency (or even emergency) or to have you work a miracle or some magick within seconds, minutes, hours or overnight may not be the same as yours. Simply put, these types of requests from clients will take a toll on you over time, especially if you are counseling or working with folks who do not know what their real issues are and are not able to express them to you; yet these same folks tell you to figure it out for them. These are some of the same folks who ask about your certification. Hmmm, I have never recalled convening with the spirit, astral realm, et cetera, and having asked the convening Spiritually Cosmic Authorities whether “They” are certified to assist or take a particular matter or situation into Their Universal Hands. Perhaps there is a need for some form of certification regarding ethical, best business and accounting practices on the mundane plane.

As an aside based on what we do day-to-day, for those who request are spiritual services, is for our client’s personal and for the common good. Almost always, I never charge a fee for Spiritual Counseling services; yet, there are non-practitioners, some clients, and other “mundane” folks who are foolish to believe that they can take advantage us and our generosity. Hmmm, these same folks often forget or do not recollect that we are, indeed, Witches…of all kinds, shapes, and forms. Yes, I am a male Witch and not a Warlock (a notion based on historical misconception or deception).

To continue—many scenarios, circumstances, or situations involving clients may not fall into the practitioner’s magickal timeframe or spectrum in which he or she performs spiritual work. This is something that many clients or prospective clients do not take into account or just do not consider...perhaps due to the seriousness of her or his circumstances and needs at that time.

As for the term “continuum”—someone, somewhere is always working within the “psychical continuum” of the Cosmic Universe which also consists of sublevels or sub-planes of “perceived conscious-reality” and the “physi-/physio-subconscious realm(s)” that many practitioners often perform or conduct their magickal workings within. Those of you who work with the channeling of spirit energies, forces, angels, faeries, and more will know what I am referring to here.

Just pondering...

Em hotep,

Blessed Be,

~Frater Kheti