Samhain ~ 31 October
Yule ~ around 21 December
Imbolc ~ 2 February
Ostara ~ around 21 March
Beltane, 1 May
Litha (Midsummer) ~ around 21 June
Lughnassadh (Lammas) ~ 1 August
Mabon ~ around 21 September
Yule ~ around 21 December
Imbolc ~ 2 February
Ostara ~ around 21 March
Beltane, 1 May
Litha (Midsummer) ~ around 21 June
Lughnassadh (Lammas) ~ 1 August
Mabon ~ around 21 September
These eight Sabbats represent the seasonal days of celebration or festival in the Wiccan religion, Paganism, and usually occur every 45 days during the calendar year. There are four minor (Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon) and four major (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lammas) Sabbats.
Most of the names of these days derive from the early Celtic and Saxon cultures. There are a number of variations in the way the names of the Sabbats are spelled and pronounced. The ancient Celtic calendar has been used to this date as a means of determining the dates of the Sabbats from a ritual point of view. Samhain represents the end of the old year and the beginning of the Pagan New Year; some Pagans consider November 1st to be the start of the New Year.
The Temple of Kheti