Temple of Kheti
Temple of Kheti
There are many different paths, denominations, and traditions within Wicca and Witchcraft as well as beliefs, belief systems, and practices.
The Temple of Kheti is a Wiccan-Witchcraft-Kemetic circle formed and led by High Priest & Spiritual Overseer, Rev. Dr. Kheti A. Sahure of the Dianic Tradition and the Society of Egyptian Kemeticism. The Temple of Kheti is dedicated to providing spiritual guidance, support, and a nurturing environment where individual members may achieve spiritual enlightenment, self-empowerment, and a higher sense of spiritual awareness. We gather for Esbats on and around Full Moon nights, in worship of the Goddess and Her consort, the God, and for the eight traditional Sabbats of Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltaine, Litha, Lughnasadh, and Mabon.
As a syncretic ministry and circle, we incorporate and meld many aspects of Dianic Witchcraft, Wiccan, and Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) religious traditions in our spiritual practices and in praise of our Pantheons, Mother Earth, and Nature. The Temple of Kheti is emerging into its fifth (5th) year of fruition all due to the Divine blessings of our pantheon of deities bestowed upon us.
~ Em Hotep and Blesséd Be ~
Rev. Dr. Kheti A. Sahure
Elder High Priest, Holistic Metaphysician & Herbalist
Sifu H.A. Diop
Elder Wa'eb
DM Raven
Rev. Dr. Kheti A. Sahure
Elder High Priest, Holistic Metaphysician & Herbalist
Sifu H.A. Diop
Elder Wa'eb
DM Raven
Hwt-ntr Kheti (The Temple of Kheti)
Image Credit: "anwiccanstar" by Ambrosia's Realm of Graphics