Thursday, February 10, 2011

Catholic Church Circulates Anti-Wicca/Witchcraft Guide

Catholic Church Circulates Anti-Wicca/Witchcraft Guide

Saturday February 5, 2011

"It would amuse me if it wasn't so sad: the Catholic Church is publishing a guide to help keep children from Wicca and witchcraft and evangelize to those who already practice.

Really? Of all the things in the world, you think Wiccans are a big enough threat to be specifically targeted? Am I supposed to be flattered? I'm not, really, since I make no attempt to be a threat nor a challenge, merely a disagreeing voice.

Worse, this has been brought about (yet again, as is so common in anti-Wiccan literature) by the popularity of things like Harry Potter. Harry Potter has nothing to do with Wicca, and very little to do with modern witchcraft beyond the word witchcraft. It's about as realistic as Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of Oz...because it's not real.

Seriously, if your faith is being threatened by a set of fictional children's books, you should spend more effort on introspection and less time making bogeymen out of disbelievers."

Catherine's Alternative Religions Blog
By Catherine Beyer, Guide