Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Queen Cleopatra VII: Only Part-Afrikan?

"Upcoming BBC-One Documentary Says Cleopatra was Part-African"

"You know when whites (mostly Europeans) start talking this way, after blacks have been insisting forever, jaws drop on the other side of the pond. That’s what happened when the Leakeys established that the first men walked out of Africa, not Europe (although some are now trying mightily to find out whether China is older). It must be that time: a black president, Jefferson acknowledged as the father of Sally Hemings’ children and now Cleopatra being acknowledged as having African ancestry…all these books are going to be rewritten.

Hilke Thuer of the Austrian Academy of Sciences studied the remains of Cleopatra’s sister, the royal Arsinoë IV, taken from her tomb in Ephesus, once a Greek colony in what is now Turkey. Arsinoë (pronounced “Ar-see-noi”) lost the power struggle between herself and the Queen when Marc Antony–by this time Cleopatra’s husband–had her whacked on the steps of the Temple of Artemis. Arsinoë was exiled there by Julius Caesar after being paraded through the streets of Rome in triumph behind his chariot..."


Queen Cleopatra VII (51 - 30 BC)

"Cleopatra VII - 'Cleopatra, Thea Philopator, Philadelphus, Thea Neotera, Regina Regum Filiorum Regum' - was the 16th ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty, reigning over Egypt from 51-30 BC, during the Ptolemaic period. She became co-regent with her 10-year-old brother Ptolemy XIII at the age of 17, and following his death (aged 14) in 47 BC during the civil war she then married her younger brother Ptolemy XIV, who was only 12 years old. This meant she effectively ruled alone..."


"Is the mummy of Cleopatra buried in Paris?"

"Cleopatra VII, the great Cleopatra, the big nose of geopolitical power, is in Paris. It is a matter of justice, because what would be better for a woman like her? Specifically, she is buried in the gardens of the National Library of France, at its old headquarters of the Rue Vivienne, near the Louvre and the Palais Royal. That is what Juan Angel Torti, former Chilean journalist and possibly the most elegant retiree in Paris, has been sustaining for years. This former reporter for Agence France-Presse, whose headquarters is a stone’s throw from where the Egyptian queen supposedly lies, looks forward to the moment when archaeologists reach access to the end of the 120 meters long tunnel at the temple of Tabusiris Magna, 50 kilometers from Alexandria, where the sarcophagi of Cleopatra and Marco Antonio are allegedly located. That is expected to happen later this year, as announced by the Egyptian authorities. But Torti is certain they are in for a big disappointment: 'The tomb of Cleopatra is empty...'"


Learn about the following terms:
▪ Quadroon
▪ Octoroon
▪ Quintroon
▪ Hexadecaroon
▪ Mulatto

In addition, see:
▪ Jim Crow Discrimination Laws (Tennessee enacted the first Jim Crow Law in 1875):

▪ Examples of Jim Crow Laws:

▪ U.S. Supreme Court - Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) - "Separate but Equal" doctrine of segregation:

▪ Civil Rights Movement (1955-1965):