Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Over-Aged and Over-Qualified

“Out of a job and out of luck at 54
A growing number of older workers are losing their jobs as the economy weakens. And many are having a harder time landing new positions...”

Full Story:


Opinion & Editorial:

Treatise: Unemployment, within and among the age 40+ ranks, has spread like a rabid disease all across the United States of America. In addition, there the "At-Will Employment or Employment At-Will" States of America which gives the employer the upper hand as usual and has led to discriminatory hiring and firing (i.e., Wrongful Termination) practices via employers. Your Age, Race, Disability, Gender, Religious Preference, Credit Score, Sexual Preference, Level of Education, etc. can be used against any employed person or job-seeker and be disguised as "something else" other than the afore-mentioned categories to not hire you or terminate your present employment position (i.e., your job, your department, etc.). And guess what? There isn't much the average employee or job-seeker can do to remedy this let alone level the playing field so that there are TRUE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT opportunities and fair practices (unless you have buckets and buckets of money just sitting around to retain experienced and knowledgeable legal counsel to go up against BIG BUSINESS, you will lose your legal case, should it get that far, and will be BLACK-BALLED as a bona fide undesirable potential employee within the corporate sector as being “not a good fit”)…gee, I’m sure that we all are not referring to “intimate relations”.

Caveat: For those of you who have not experienced "corporate downsizing or restructuring", and with much hope that you never do, then please become more aware of what is happening in your own backyard to your friends, family members, and associates concerning the rampant unemployment problems in America. Those of you who have never been unemployed due to NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN, have no clue!

Many of you DO NOT know what it takes to conduct and ENDURE the rigorous amount of time, effort, and costs of the job search. Networking is all about whom you know and not what you know as well as how much rear-end (or whatever physiological human parts) you are willing and able to kiss—let the facts be known. Nepotism is still rampant within the workforce. The “Old Boy” network is still alive and kicking just as the “Old Girl” network has emerged and come into fruition. Compose and send all of the “thank you” and “cover” letters you wish to and have done so—these exercises in futility (and frankly, a waste of time because they don’t get read due to the huge influx of resumes e-mailed and snail-mailed to potential employers). These activities just keep you broke by spending hundreds of dollars on printer ink cartridges even when these are supposed to be “ON SALE”. Let’s not go into the realm of local and virtual Job Fairs. There is way too much subjectivity in the interviewing process that favors the employer in any shape of the American economy. If you have not completed your Master’s degree requirements, then you’re truly in a quandary. You can show and present all of the value you will bring to any company—but you do not have that piece of paper in-hand! And you will be looked at as over-qualified as well as “suspect” due to your not having finished your degree. Most often, students DO NOT finish their degree requirements because of the outrageous cost of education and the lack of financial support from our U.S. Government should you default on your undergrad or post secondary school loan(s). The U.S. Department of Education has not figured out let alone realized that it should allow for “re-education” monies even if someone hasn’t paid off their prior student loan(s). And yes, some parents are the cause of this student loan issue because they push their children into fields that “they like” or wanted to be in but were not able to. For example—just because your child shows some promise in mathematics or physics does not mean you as the parent should vehemently push your child toward becoming a medical doctor; just because your child loves being vocally adversarial at age 10 does not mean that s/he will make a good lawyer and you shouldn’t push s/he in this direction! Not everyone wants to attend college. College isn’t fun—it’s hard work let alone going to college has always set every child up for crucial financial debt well before s/he lands a job that will ever help pay-off the exorbitant debt!

We’re not pointing fingers here but we will state that everyone’s child and future adult cannot and will not be NUMBER ONE in an area of life! Rewarding every child with a trophy in little league soccer, basketball, volleyball, debate, etc. when they are truly not worthy and/or failing in other non-sport scholastic activities is not the answer. Why? Because the REAL WORLD (i.e., not the MTV version) has no mercy upon the meek or weak—just recall Henry Tyroon, Gordon Gekko, and a few other fictitious maladies akin to today’s Corporate America culture.

The over-aged “Elders” (on all levels or rungs of the employment ladder—vertical, horizontal, and tangential) who continue to effectively and heavily run and thus help exceed the bottom lines for corporate management and Corporate America’s board of directors and stakeholders are those who are needed in all American industries. Not everyone desires to be a Corporate C-level type unless this role will truly produce something good and will be re-invested in those employees who do the actual daily grind of the work at hand in order to make a company or business profitable. The average employee or worker in America is what has built Corporate American and these folks always go UNSUNG!

It’s the average American Worker who has positively made and continues to make the difference in America.

It’s not the CEO’s who make the business grow or should reap millions of dollars in payment while their underlings can barely feed their families let along arrive at their daily grind due to outrageous gasoline prices!

This should be all about those no-name, non-management, non-perked, etc. employees of so many who are the true unsung heroes of the American Workforce!

Does anyone else see and understand this?

No wonder Corporate America sucks for most people—but we all have to work somewhere because our country is based on capitalism, greed, materialism, and keeping up with the proverbial “Joneses”; and not to mention, who has the biggest house, the biggest gasoline guzzler, the prettiest and whitest picket fence, and who can wield the most power in terms of testosterone and/or estrogen! Unemployment in America is real and is much bigger than most citizens realize. And remember, everyone will become “old” one day.

Those folks, who have arrived at being age 40+, have more than likely paid their dues in the so-called meritocratic workforce of America and in terms of their time, education, experience, and contributed worth to their diverse families, communities, and to our global societies nationally and worldwide. The only agenda that matters today, especially within the physical image-only projection that Corporate America and its so-called “diverse” Corporate Cultures are making, is that a potential hirer (employee) is young, perky, energetic, not over-weight or plus-sized, and cute (especially, with nice legs—female and/or male).

Think about the above.

But, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and one’s personal, genetic physical features should never be used as a SUBJECT means of one’s intellectual qualifications let alone one’s ability to perform the job at hand or potential or future value to any business or company.

Conclusion: Thee Karmic (Spiritual) and Cosmic (Physical) energies, forces, and laws of our Universe have a way of bringing about truth, justice, and payback (not so good) as well as leveling the playing fields within all aspects of the mundane life of many folks who tend to enamor, perpetrate, and engage in daily thoughtless, mindless pursuits without regard or concern for the well-being of their fellow humankind.

Should those perpetrators of constant ill-will care to learn more about their careless ways and want to learn more about themselves—then, you all can begin a healing process, and how you (all genders inclusive) can begin to change your purely selfish, self-motivated, self-centered, and opportunistic behaviors which are threatening, toxic projections you spew upon others…especially, your family, friends, and co-workers.

If you are seek Spiritual Counseling and are in need of an eclectic, alternative, or just a new approach, then please feel free to contact ToKW (Temple of Kemetic Wicca) so that you can begin to learn about who you really are. From there, you will learn how to channel your negative, steeping behaviors (spiritual, physiological, psychological, chemical, etc.) in ways that are much more positive as well as begin to attune and bring into balance your Aura and Chakras.

Your life should be somewhat exciting even during your mundane life-years on our planet Earth.
Blessed Be,

Em Hetep,

Temple of Kemetic Wicca
Priests & Priestesses of Ma’at
Khadem nt-nTr.t Ma'at


Department of Labor –

Employment at Will States –

History of At-Will Employment Law in the USA –

Antiquus Research Group -
Socio-Political Issues have been added to our research agenda.