I. Agreement Spell
II. Anti-Nightmare Spell
III. Anti-Slander Spell
IV. Banish a Stalker Spell
V. Banishing Spell
VI. Binding For the Annoying Spell
VII. Black Magick Spell
VIII. Bless a Magickal Pen Spell
IX. Blue Pentacle Visualization Spell
X. Bottle Spell
XI. Breakup a Marriage Spell
XII. Bringing Spirits Spell
XIII. Conjuring Raw Energy Spell
XIV. Do They Like You Spell
XV. Enlightenment Spell/Ritual Spell
XVI. Fire Protection Spell
XVII. Get Someone to Call You Spell
XVIII. Get What You Want Spell
XIX. Getting Over Spell
XX. Healing Physical Pain Spell
XXI. Healing Sickness Spell
XXII. Good Health Spell
XXIII. House Protection Spell
XXIV. Incantation Spell
XXV. Intentions Spell
XXVI. Invisibility Spell
XXVII. Knot Spell
XXVIII. Lemon Curse Spell
XXIX. Levitation Spell
XXX. Liberation Spell
XXXI. Lost and Found Spell
XXXII. Love and Chaos Spell
XXXIII. Luck Spell
XXXIV. Make Someone Forget a Secret Spell
XXXV. Money Spell
XXXVI. Moon Protection Spell
XXXVII. Prosperity Spell
XXXVIII. Protection Spell
XXXIX. Psychic Vampire(s) Spell
XL. Rain Spell
XLI. Reversal Spell
XLII. Sex and Lust (Desires of the Flesh) Spell
XLIII. Speed Up Time Spell
XLIV. Stop Bleeding Spell
XLV. Stop Loving Someone Spell
XLVI. Stop the Rain Spell
XLVII. Stopping Gossip Spell
XLVIII. Strega Herb Jar Spell
XLIX. Summoning a Cemetery (Graveyard) Spirit or Ghost Spell
L. To Break the Powers of a Spell
LI. To Bring Love Back Spell
LII. To Obtain Love Spell
LIII. To Protect an Object Spell
LIV. Vanity and Beauty Spell
LV. Ward off Psychic Vampires/Attacks
LVI. Ward off the Evil Eye Spell
LVII. Wart Spell
LVIII. Weed Curse Spell
LIX. Wishing Spell
LX. Witch’s Bottle Spell
LXI. Witch’s Handshake (Witches Hand Shake) Spell
LXII. Wolf Protection Spell
LXIII. Youth Preserved Spell
LXIV. Zodiac Spell