Tuesday, September 11, 2007

ToKW: Important September Dates

The following September festival dates are important religiously and spiritually for the Temple of Kemetic Wicca:

September 2nd: Festival Feast of Osiris / Ausar

September 4th: Anubis / Anpu – Ceremony of Transformation

September 5th: Ceremony of the Raising of the Pillar of Djed

September 17th: Festival Feast of Hathor / Het-hert

September 21st – 23rd: Mabon / Autumnal Equinox / Second Harvest Sabbat

September 26th: ToKW's Full Moon Esbat Observance & Ritual

As more "accurate" information becomes available based on Archaeological, Egyptological, Theological, and Historical research--the above dates may or will be modified. And for those who follow the religion of Kemeticism, you may wish to incorporate some or all of these festival dates into your spiritual practice via consulting some portions of the Ancient Egyptian theological texts and spells from the Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. Also, you may wish to perform an “Opening of the Mouth” ceremony as well as employing the Pythagorean Pentagram and the Hexagram, along with providing offerings to the Divinities (Netjeru) noted above. Lastly, remember that Mabon (observed this year on the 23rd) is up and coming too.


~Rev. Frater K.A.S. VI°
Temple of Kemetic Wicca