Thursday, September 6, 2007


Greetings to our readership,

Just when I thought that I had heard it all, an interesting phrase was mentioned on one of my eGroups and aptly entitled:



I do not apologize for my laughter because these types of folks do exist unfortunately and can be found in all religions, cultures, societies, and globally.

Again, this all goes back to how "some people's 'children' " go about their adulthood engaging in exploitation for the sole and individual purposes of GREED, MATERIALISM, AND PERSONAL FINANCIAL GAIN!

Please allow me to share the following (as I have been doing so all along) that the majority of the Wicca, Pagan, Shaman, and Alternative Religio-Spiritual communities DO NOT engage in thee above noted practices.

Most of the folks who have "found" me to assist them with their situations or circumstances--I have turned away due to my own ethically, salient reasons.

The above is indeed factual and not fiction!

Blessed Be,

Em Hotep!