Although here it is said that 'the way begets one', 'the One' is, in fact very often used as another name for the 'tao'. Understood in this way, we can see that it is 'the One' or the 'tao' which is responsible for creating as well as supporting the universe.
Of old, these came to be in possession of the One:
Heaven in virtue of the One is limpid;
Earth in virtue of the One is settled;
Gods in virtue of the One have their potencies;
The valley in virtue of the One is full;
The myriad creatures in virtue of the One are alive;
Lords and princes in virtue of the One become leaders in the empire.
It is the One that makes these what they are."
► Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching (circa 4th century B.C.E.)