Mystikal Witch is primarily for those who are new to the Craft but is open to all experienced Witches, Wiccans, Pagans, and other seekers of nature based spirituals paths.
Feel free to share your knowledge and ask questions. Discuss any and all topics within the realm of the Old Religion including high & low magick, essential oils & incense, tools, Gods & Goddesses, choosing a spiritual name, divination, altars, covens & covenants, Sabbats & Esbats, pentacle vs. pentagram, the Rede & the Creed, spellwork & rituals, craftwork, crystals, metals, woods, preparations, initiation, wiccaning, ecology, herbs & healing, candle magick, deosil & widdershins, spirit guides, runes, Kemeticism, reiki, tarot, astrology, handfasting, moon or lunar magick, advanced magick, scrying, how to start a Book of Shadows, how to do this and how to do that from a magickal perspective, white magick vs. black magick, Drawing Down the Moon, issues you may face being a Witch or Wiccan in modern day society, outdoor vs. indoor rituals, prayer, the elementals, and more.
Merry Ye Part and Blesséd Be