In witchcraft, Deosil is the ritual act of moving around a circle in a clockwise direction; and Widdershins would be the counter clockwise motion. The mathematical (in calculus) numbers associated with Deosil are: 2, 3, 5, and 8; and 1, 4, 6, and 7 for Widdershins.
In the Northern Hemisphere, Quarters (or north, south, east, and west) generally begin in the North or East and moving clockwise or Deosil. For example, North, East, South, then West. Most of the books available about Wicca and Witchcraft use these correspondences.
In the Southern Hemisphere, these correspondences may vary. Circles are still cast Deosil, but to those in the Northern Hemisphere, they would seem to be Widdershins or counter-clockwise. The equator is to the North in the Southern Hemisphere, so North is sometimes representative of fire.
The "Quarters" often refer to the elements of nature that are forces honored by Pagans and Witches. They are named many things, but you will often hear them referred to as corners, quarters, Watchtowers, elements, Elementals, gates, portals, etc. All of these related titles have different meanings and represent different forms of energy.
The East represents air (associated color = yellow)
The South represents fire (associated color = red)
The West represents water (associated color = blue)
The North represents earth (associated color = green)
EARTH: Love, money, acquisition, employment, health, diet, organization, ambition, career, politics, bones, teeth, skin.
AIR: Communication, writing, travel, justice, unions, balance (spiritual and otherwise), artistry, science, freedom, friendship, breaking bad habits or addictions, blood.
FIRE: Authority, rebirth, leadership, authority, courage, fertility, spine, heart, travel, sports, truth, horses.
WATER: The home and honoring lunar gods and goddesses, power, psychic growth, sex, music, art, telepathy, dreams.
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