Thursday, August 16, 2012

Talismanic Magick

Talismanic Magick

Talismans are powerful magickal tools that anyone can use. Many books, however, aren’t very clear as to what they are and how they’re used. In Modern Magick, I define a talisman as “any object, sacred or profane, with or without appropriate symbols, that has been charged or consecrated by appropriate means and made to serve a specific end.” Let me break this definition down for you: 

A talisman is a physical object, not merely an idea or concept. It can be a sacred object, such as a cross or a pentacle, or it can be something with no obvious spiritual connection such as a favorite ring, pendant, or even a piece of paper. It may have symbols or writing on it, but that is not a necessity. What is a necessity is that energy must be put into the talisman to charge or consecrate it. It must have a specific purpose. Such a purpose can be general (such as health) or specific (to get a certain job).

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