Since the political arena does indeed affect and has effect upon everyone locally, nationally, and worldwide—let us all take a look at two potential upcoming Presidential scenarios with question(s):
[1] Scenario #1 - Senator Barack Obama
Suppose that Senator Barack Obama does win the Democratic nomination, is elected, and placed in the White House:
Now consider into the near future of all peoples across America that the Iraq War, the Recession, the health care issues, the foreclosure issues, the unemployment issues, the crime issues, the elderly issues, the deficit issues, the education issues, the oil (gasoline) and natural gas issues, foreign policy issues, the so-called "Green Industry and the Greening of America" (i.e., another potential money-maker in order to fleece Americans some more), Wall Street Greed, ID Theft, Terrorism, Immigration, Homeless and Starvation in America, the SORRY-ASS Food Banks led by so-called Christian ministry organizations and supposedly funded by our government / supported by public donations (i.e., most of you feed your pets better food and take better care of your pets than your own human family members—you all know that you’re guilty of this nonsense and of whom we speak of), the Katrina Victimization (still ongoing), the disabled, child abuse, crime, abuse in general, and of course many more major socio-economic issues on the average American citizenry’s docket who financially carry, back, and spend their hard-earned dollars within America each and every day! What do we get in return, NOTHING! Nothing more than more TAXATION without representation!
What are your thoughts, postulates, theories, and prognostications about how the future of America will fair should any and all of the above travesties do continue to remain unsolved during the next four years of the new U.S. Presidency?[2] Scenario #2 - Senator John McCain Suppose that Senator John McCain is elected and placed in the White House:
Now consider into the near future of all peoples across America that the Iraq War, the Recession, the health care issues, the foreclosure issues, the unemployment issues, the crime issues, the elderly issues, the deficit issues, the education issues, the oil (gasoline) and natural gas issues, foreign policy issues, the so-called "Green Industry and the Greening of America" (i.e., another potential money-maker in order to fleece Americans some more), Wall Street Greed, ID Theft, Terrorism, Immigration, Homeless and Starvation in America, the SORRY-ASS Food Banks led by so-called Christian ministry organizations and supposedly funded by our government / supported by public donations (i.e., most of you feed your pets better food and take better care of your pets than your own human family members—you all know that you’re guilty of this nonsense and of whom we speak of), the Katrina Victimization (still ongoing), the disabled, child abuse, crime, abuse in general, and of course many more major socio-economic issues on the average American citizenry’s docket who financially carry, back, and spend their hard-earned dollars within America each and every day! What do we get in return, NOTHING! Nothing more than more TAXATION without representation!
What are your thoughts, postulates, theories, and prognostications about how the future of America will fair should any and all of the above travesties do continue to remain unsolved during the next four years of the new U.S. Presidency?
Once the new President is in place, then who are you all going to point fingers at and blame?
Oh my! Some Americans may be able see, hear, speak, employ ASL and/or Braille (communication wise) about the news headlines…but what about those human beings who cannot or wish not to do so (out of fear)...?
Oh my again! And witness the following or not—the Triangle Slave Trade, the African & the African Diaspora / Holocaust, the Jewish Holocaust, the American Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, Watergate, and so much more has befallen all of America and these atrocities DID HAPPEN—thus, resonating throughout America and the global communities we all attempt to navigate and live in to this very day in hopeful peace and prosperity for EVERYONE!
Last but not least, our U.S. Government DOES NOT practice what it speaks regarding the U.S. Constitution on any level of governance and making sure that our country spreads its wealth and charity at home FIRST—AND THEN spreads thus abroad!
Em Hotep & Blessed Be!
Temple of Kemetic Wicca,
Priests & Priestesses of Goddess Ma'at