▪ An exploration into the Abstraction of Alternative Religions & Spiritualities, Astrology, Cosmology, Divination, Esotericum Mysticum, Magick, Neo-Paganism, Occult Metaphysical Science, Paranormal Psychology, Polytheism, Shamanism, Tarot, Wicca & Witchcraft (Antiquus et Novus), the Arcane & Esoteric Mysteries from our Ancestral Past to the Here and Now. ▪
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Mohican Words of Wisdom
When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.
▪ Mohican Chief Aupumut (c. 1725 C.E.)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Musing: I Ching (Yi Jing)
The Complete I Ching: The Definitive Translation [1998] by Taoist Master Alfred Huang
As this tome's title states, it is the most definitive and exhaustively thorough reference about I Ching that I have worked with regarding the I Ching trigrams, hexagrams, linear, and yin - yang relationships. Having at least a fundamental knowledge of Lao Tzu's (or Laozi's) Tao Te Ching (written circa the 6th Century BCE) will greatly assist you in further understanding the philosophy behind I Ching and how it works as a divination tool.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
NASA: Phoenix Mars Lander
According to NASA:
On another significant note from those of us who sentiently interact and work with Nature and thee Cosmic / Universe (forces / energies) all of the time:
Via Astral Projection, I am sure that some of you have visited the planet of Mars and have not been "anal-probed"!
As I watched the televised news today, my focus was on the emotional reactions of those NASA scientists who where interviewed--all we heard from them was only a vocal "WOW"...that's all?
Once again, this is very typical and obvious that these NASA scientists and their associates (sanctioned by the U.S. and other governments) DO NOT know what to look for. I hope that the Phoenix Robot has "learned" from its creators to look for more.... And what this robot uncovers will not be hidden from anyone within our Universe we all share cosmically, metaphysically, spiritually.
Take no offense to what I have stated because you do know that I speak the truth backed with facts!
And yes, we can discuss geology, botany, and aspects of astronomy on your academic level.
All in all, the Temple of Kemetic Wicca is pro Space Exploration! NASA, we're on your side--but you need to consider taking a few bona fide Alternative Spiritualists on your Space Missions in order to verify that the notion of heaven and hell have always been fabrications and machinations of many feeble minds.
~Frater Kheti
Friday, May 16, 2008
A Few Types and Categories of Affirmations
Affirmations for Addictions and Addictive Behaviors
Affirmations in General and Practical Use
Health Affirmations
Life Transforming Affirmations
Love and Trust Affirmations
Lyrical Affirmations (i.e., id est, or "that is"—chanting, musical, poetic, etc.)
Practicing Affirmations (i.e., to deliver to a group of people, plant-life, animal-kind, etc.)
Prayer Affirmations
Prosperity and Wealth Affirmations
Psychic Affirmations
Psychological Affirmations (e.g., exempli gratia, or "for example"—for Emotional Turmoil)
Sacrificial Affirmations
Success Affirmations
The Essence of Affirmations (i.e., the practical ways of learning how to work with and use affirmations within YOUR life on a daily basis)
Keep in mind that the term "Affirmation" has diverse meaning to all as well as within world religious (INCLUSIVE of Alternative Religious and Spirituality) practitioners and communities at large.
Temple of Kemetic Wicca
Think About Today's America
"Food stamp recipients scramble for food..."
Many families within America and abroad SUFFER from the ongoing socio-economic-political ineptitude and non-responsiveness by our so-called governmental representatives, especially when geological disasters do strike.
What is presented here is not just about the so-called democracy of America, the American Dream or let alone the Constitution of the U.S.A.--but the truth about what is not working within the interior of America and how WE THE PEOPLE are empowered to make positive change for everyone!
All in all, truly think about your Human and Civil Rights in America and if these actually exist when the chips come dowm and YOU CANNOT afford the cost of a private attorney let alone the extremely high cost of health/medical insurance and hospital care. Let us all become PROACTIVE in order to begin to fix many of the problems we all share in America and then spread this abroad!
To every human being globally,
Hetep & Blessed Be!
Antiquus Research
Temple of Kemetic Wicca
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
PTSD & Unemployment
Can those HUMAN BEINGS, in the United States of America, who have experienced and continue to experience MASSIVE CORPORATE DOWNSIZING, JOB LAYOFFS, BUSINESSES GOING BANKRUPT, BUSINESS CLOSURES, BEING TERMINATED DUE TO NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, DISCRIMINATORY FIRING PRACTICES (and hiring/promotion--in many scenarios being influenced via nepotism) due to their race, color, creed, national origin, age, gender, marital or non-marital status, parenting (child or childless) status, gender preference, gender dating preference, caregiver scenarios of any age, online social networking affiliation(s), etc. suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) due to being unemployed in the so-called richest country on Planet Earth?
The United States Department of Labor, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, unions, and the media should initiate a very intensive investigation of all businesses within the USA, especially those States that are by law "At Will" when this concerns hiring and firing of employees.
These issues belong to and are owned by all of us!
Last but not least, please cease blaming immigration, Mexico, and India for the ills of American society that none of the common folks within the USA DID NOT CREATE!
If this is a hot button for you, then please contact us at Antiquus Research and/or the Temple of Kemetic Wicca so that we can continue making a positive difference for all peoples.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Today in History - 10 May
1869 - The Transcontinental Railroad was completed.
1940 - Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965) became Prime Minister.
1990 - The Tiananmen Square prisoners were released.
1994 - Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1918- ) was inaugurated and became the first Black African President of South Africa; he was the 11th President of South Africa from 27 April 1994 to 14 June 1999.
1Old Style (OS) and New Style (NS) Dates:
Thursday, May 8, 2008
U.S. Presidency 2008
[1] Scenario #1 - Senator Barack Obama
Suppose that Senator Barack Obama does win the Democratic nomination, is elected, and placed in the White House:
Now consider into the near future of all peoples across America that the Iraq War, the Recession, the health care issues, the foreclosure issues, the unemployment issues, the crime issues, the elderly issues, the deficit issues, the education issues, the oil (gasoline) and natural gas issues, foreign policy issues, the so-called "Green Industry and the Greening of America" (i.e., another potential money-maker in order to fleece Americans some more), Wall Street Greed, ID Theft, Terrorism, Immigration, Homeless and Starvation in America, the SORRY-ASS Food Banks led by so-called Christian ministry organizations and supposedly funded by our government / supported by public donations (i.e., most of you feed your pets better food and take better care of your pets than your own human family members—you all know that you’re guilty of this nonsense and of whom we speak of), the Katrina Victimization (still ongoing), the disabled, child abuse, crime, abuse in general, and of course many more major socio-economic issues on the average American citizenry’s docket who financially carry, back, and spend their hard-earned dollars within America each and every day! What do we get in return, NOTHING! Nothing more than more TAXATION without representation!
What are your thoughts, postulates, theories, and prognostications about how the future of America will fair should any and all of the above travesties do continue to remain unsolved during the next four years of the new U.S. Presidency?
[2] Scenario #2 - Senator John McCain
Suppose that Senator John McCain is elected and placed in the White House:
Now consider into the near future of all peoples across America that the Iraq War, the Recession, the health care issues, the foreclosure issues, the unemployment issues, the crime issues, the elderly issues, the deficit issues, the education issues, the oil (gasoline) and natural gas issues, foreign policy issues, the so-called "Green Industry and the Greening of America" (i.e., another potential money-maker in order to fleece Americans some more), Wall Street Greed, ID Theft, Terrorism, Immigration, Homeless and Starvation in America, the SORRY-ASS Food Banks led by so-called Christian ministry organizations and supposedly funded by our government / supported by public donations (i.e., most of you feed your pets better food and take better care of your pets than your own human family members—you all know that you’re guilty of this nonsense and of whom we speak of), the Katrina Victimization (still ongoing), the disabled, child abuse, crime, abuse in general, and of course many more major socio-economic issues on the average American citizenry’s docket who financially carry, back, and spend their hard-earned dollars within America each and every day! What do we get in return, NOTHING! Nothing more than more TAXATION without representation!
What are your thoughts, postulates, theories, and prognostications about how the future of America will fair should any and all of the above travesties do continue to remain unsolved during the next four years of the new U.S. Presidency?
Once the new President is in place, then who are you all going to point fingers at and blame?
Oh my! Some Americans may be able see, hear, speak, employ ASL and/or Braille (communication wise) about the news headlines…but what about those human beings who cannot or wish not to do so (out of fear)...?
Oh my again! And witness the following or not—the Triangle Slave Trade, the African & the African Diaspora / Holocaust, the Jewish Holocaust, the American Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, Watergate, and so much more has befallen all of America and these atrocities DID HAPPEN—thus, resonating throughout America and the global communities we all attempt to navigate and live in to this very day in hopeful peace and prosperity for EVERYONE!
Last but not least, our U.S. Government DOES NOT practice what it speaks regarding the U.S. Constitution on any level of governance and making sure that our country spreads its wealth and charity at home FIRST—AND THEN spreads thus abroad!
Em Hotep & Blessed Be!
Temple of Kemetic Wicca,
Priests & Priestesses of Goddess Ma'at
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Diversity Hiring
1. Who created and/or formulated this "buzz phrase"—“DIVERSITY HIRING”?
2. The United States Department of Labor really must clarify this phrase...we all would hope: What are your thoughts?
3. What does the phrase “Diversity Hiring” really mean to you and who does this phrase actually define?
4. Does this new-fangled phrase of someone else’s notion of what Political Correctness is suppose TO MEAN help or hurt your chances of landing a job / career advancement in America?
5. What are your thoughts about “DIVERSITY HIRING” as possibly being a measure of the ANTI-AFFIRMATIVE ACTION movement (in America and possibly abroad) and by those individuals, groups, and of course companies that only wish to identify certain ethnic groups that THEY PREFER NOT TO HIRE?
6. Whose “culture” defines the so-called and highly subjective “CORPORATE CULTURE” along with their hidden rules about which employee is either IN or OUT?
Deeply ponder the above questions. Those of you (within this so-called madness entitled “DIVERSITY CANDIDATE”) who are indeed highly qualified for the employment opportunities you have applied for, have been lucky to land at least a silly telephone “screening” interview or perhaps a face-to-face (f2f) interview or two, and still DID NOT land a job offer—well, think about WHY! I surmise that being "dissed" or dismissed over the telephone is perhaps "better" than one having to her or his waste time, money, and gasoline even though the prime objective in the employment search is to meet with the prospective employer en persona.
Please remember, in the United States of America, discriminatory hiring practices ARE ILLEGAL! We will begin to publicly list companies that we have researched since 1979 through the here and now who skirt around THE LAW with their insidious and divisive hiring practices.
We at the highly ethnic-diverse membership of the Temple of Kemetic Wicca surely frown upon RACISM, BIGOTRY, and PREJUDICE and those humans who think, practice, and project these negative psychological behaviors and physical actions!
Reference the following:
1. “Equal Employment Opportunity”
2. “Race Discrimination Law In The United States”
3. "Institutionalized Racism: This Nation Was Built on It!"
4. "Institutionalized Racism" - Wikipedia
5. "Institutionalized Racism" - Oprah.com
6. "The History of Jim Crow"
7. "The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow"
In reality, those humans who promote such a negative agenda myopically believe in and rely on myths and stereotypes handed down to them beginning with their personal familial environment, and then of course stimulated and thus reinforced via the media.
Everyone’s socio-cultural, ethno-historical, and contributions to our so-called melting pot of America should be taught in schools worldwide!
Gee, this is not rocket science! Let us all begin to tackle these important issues and collectively solve many of the problems we all share here in America that of course have spread abroad! America is supposed to have been the seat of democracy and freedom—FOR WHOM?
All in all, you need to push back against the myopic human resources practices of many businesses across the United States!
Otherwise, start your own business--IF YOU HAVE THE FINANCIAL MEANS TO DO SO!
Clearly, nothing has changed in the so-called "United" States of America other than the chronological date and naturally...the weather!
Brightest Blessings,
Rev. Dr. K.A. Sahure, CHP
Rev. Dr. P.M. Lorca, HP
Temple of Kemetic Wicca