Thursday, November 22, 2007

Video Documentary: "Haitian Voodoo"

"Haiti is a Catholic country. But daily life still moves to the
rhythms of spirit religion..."

Video Sources:
[1] National Geographic -

[2] You Tube -


The above documentary and related research materials at the National Geographic Society's website should shed some light on the most wonderful and beautiful religion of Vodou as well as assist with dispelling myths and misconceptions spread via those folks who are purely ignorant, spiritually myopic, religiously intolerant, and simply do not value the great diversity of all religions, thealogies, theologies, spiritual paths, and theosophies as we do so--as a core competency / foundation of our diverse Alternative Religions and Spiritualities (ARS) belief systems.

▲ Rev. Dr. K.A. Sahure VIº
Temple of Kemetic Wicca