Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Inner Aura

"THE aura proper lies just outside the etheric double. For some time it was considered indivisible, although the part nearest the body is evidently more dense, and has a different texture from the more distant portion; nevertheless, the one appeared to shade into the other too gradually to be treated separately. After many trials it was found possible to divide the aura into two distinct parts by the help of coloured screens, other than those containing dicyanin. These parts are known as the outer and inner auras. The new screens have made a great addition to our knowledge by opening up an increased field of observation in disease, and affording an explanation of several phenomena which were previously inexplicable..."

Excerpted from Chapter III - "The Inner Aura" - The Human Atmosphere [1920] by Walter J. Kilner, p. 44

ILMJ editor's note:
Your ability to see or visualize auric fields of energy along with their corresponding color spectrum can be developed through progressive mental (psychikos) and ocular (oculus) exercises. To learn more about this and the Etheric Double, connect with us at Applicatus Occultus Metaphysicus and/or the Temple of Kemetic Wicca.