The Seventeen Daily Goals of Life
I. Know thyself through positive self-awareness
II. Know thy Craft through learning, practice, and sharing of knowledge
III. Learn from the wisdom of the Elders through listening
IV. Share your knowledge and experiences in a positive manner
V. Achieve balance and harmony of your life energy
VI. Speak and write thy words in a positive manner and in good form
VII. Maintain good thoughts
VIII. Honor, respect, and celebrate all things living within Nature and the Universe
IX. Align yourself with the natural cycles of the Earth, Moon, Planets, and the Universe
X. Breathe in all of the glory of the universe
XI. Exercise your body through vigorous activity
XII. Exercise and expand your mind through daily meditation
XIII. Exercise your spirit through divination
XIV. Nourish thy body with organic foods provided by Mother Nature
XV. Honor, through faith, the deities of your following and pantheon
XVI. Walk with purpose and with your head held high to the sky
XVII. Seek to harm none

This is a reinterpretation and expansion of the “Thirteen Goals of a Witch” (from the book Wicca by Scott Cunningham) by Rev. K. Sahure and the Temple of Kheti on February 14th, 2004 C.E.