Once the pendulum moves Deosil, then will truth emerge. Should the pendulum move Widdershins, then falsehood will prevail. The geometric swing, circular movement of the pendulum does provide guidance in the life even for those who live lives on a tangent . . .
▪ An exploration into the Abstraction of Alternative Religions & Spiritualities, Astrology, Cosmology, Divination, Esotericum Mysticum, Magick, Neo-Paganism, Occult Metaphysical Science, Paranormal Psychology, Polytheism, Shamanism, Tarot, Wicca & Witchcraft (Antiquus et Novus), the Arcane & Esoteric Mysteries from our Ancestral Past to the Here and Now. ▪
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Musings of Sifu H.A. Diop 07.27.05
Once the pendulum moves Deosil, then will truth emerge. Should the pendulum move Widdershins, then falsehood will prevail. The geometric swing, circular movement of the pendulum does provide guidance in the life even for those who live lives on a tangent . . .
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Alternative Holistic Therapies

and Complimentary Holistic Therapies:
Alexander Technique
Aquatic Therapy
Candle Therapy
Chelation Therapy
Color Therapy
Diet Therapy
Glandular Therapy
Guided Imagery
Herbal Medicine
Humor Therapy
ImageryLight Therapy
Mind Body Medicine
MISE Therapy
Music Therapy
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Pet Therapy
Prayer & Spiritual Healing
Quantum Touch
Sound Therapy
Spiritual Counseling
Spiritual HealingVisualization
Transcendental Meditation
Monday, July 11, 2005
An Unhexing Bath
A very good, general, ritual bath to cleanse oneself of negativity, hexes, or curses is to get some Rue leaves (5 or 6 leaves) and Rosemary oil (7 to 9 healthy drops).
Add these to your bath water each day for 4 to 7 days as you bathe to begin the uncrossing of the curse and to bring you protection.
If you feel pain in specific parts of your body from the hex placed upon you, then you can also place the Rue leaves there to help relieve the pain and until the it has gone away.
For more information on the removal of hexes, please feel free to connect with the Temple of Kheti or the Kheti Metaphysical Institute.
A list of our Old Ways Spiritual Services are located in the January 5th, 2005 entry.
Thursday, July 7, 2005
The Seventeen Daily Goals of Life

The Seventeen Daily Goals of Life
I. Know thyself through positive self-awareness
II. Know thy Craft through learning, practice, and sharing of knowledge
III. Learn from the wisdom of the Elders through listening
IV. Share your knowledge and experiences in a positive manner
V. Achieve balance and harmony of your life energy
VI. Speak and write thy words in a positive manner and in good form
VII. Maintain good thoughts
VIII. Honor, respect, and celebrate all things living within Nature and the Universe
IX. Align yourself with the natural cycles of the Earth, Moon, Planets, and the Universe
X. Breathe in all of the glory of the universe
XI. Exercise your body through vigorous activity
XII. Exercise and expand your mind through daily meditation
XIII. Exercise your spirit through divination
XIV. Nourish thy body with organic foods provided by Mother Nature
XV. Honor, through faith, the deities of your following and pantheon
XVI. Walk with purpose and with your head held high to the sky
XVII. Seek to harm none

This is a reinterpretation and expansion of the “Thirteen Goals of a Witch” (from the book Wicca by Scott Cunningham) by Rev. K. Sahure and the Temple of Kheti on February 14th, 2004 C.E.
Monday, July 4, 2005
Musings of Sifu H.A. Diop 07.04.05
Ethereal Watchtower once postulated,
then wrought from its very own beak in words:
All humankind is not bad
but at the same time,
humankind can be inherently evil . . .