I. InnerLink Metaphysical
The ultimate purpose and goal of the InnerLink Metaphysical is to help you gain a better quality of life, physical and emotional well-being, and achieve spiritual balance between your mind, body, and spirit through holistic, metaphysical spiritual counseling. Within our natural environment, universe, and cosmos, there are negative, positive, and neutral energies, entities, influences, forces, and variables which impact all of us in our daily lives from physiological, psychological, biological, biochemical, sociological, and historical perspectives. Some of these things we can explain and some we cannot. Phenomena or not, we all are bombarded by these collective stimuli in the form of energies continually and these do influence, affect, and alter all of us. InnerLink will work with you and your life challenges which have a spiritual and metaphysical basis. The spirit or nether realm does exist. InnerLink deals in and works with the spiritually arcane, esoteric, and parapsychic realms from the Old Religion of Witchcraft to the African Orisha, alternative spiritual paths and belief systems.
II. The Temple of Kheti Discussion Forum
The Temple of Kheti is a faith-based Wiccan-Kemetic (Egyptian) discussion group for Witches, Wiccans, Pagans, and seekers of other esoteric spiritual paths who either desire to or already incorporate Ancient Egyptian religious beliefs and practices in their daily lives from a nature-based spiritual perspective. Discussion topics include, but are not limited to, the ancient ways of the Old Religion, Ancient Egyptian ritual, Gods and Goddesses, divination and the oracles, magickal tools, Esbats and Sabbats, Native American spirituality, animism, candle magick, spellwork, altars, moon magick, book of shadows, and more. Newcomers to the Craft and Paganism are welcome here.
Blesséd Be and Go in Faith!
Dr. Kheti Sahure, D.D., Msc.D.,
Elder Wiccan-Kemetic High Priest,
Herbalist & Metaphysician,
Former Coven High Priest,
Certified Tarot Reader