Mission Statement
The Society of Egyptian Khemeticism (SOEK) is an offspring of the Temple of Kheti. The major focal point of the Society of Egyptian Khemeticism is to explore, study, and research topics about the history, practice, re-creation, and reconstruction of the Ancient Egyptian religion in modern times now known as Khemeticism, a systematic belief system. The Society of Egyptian Khemeticism is part of the knowledge basis from which the Temple of Kheti draws its Khemetic doctrinal theology. For well over three thousand years, the civilization of the Ancient Egyptians developed, evolved, thrived, and prospered; and the history of this culture has spanned longer than Recorded History (i.e., history that has been recorded via the inscribing of characters onto a medium, such as--papyrus, vellum, linen, stone, etc., and/or by the use of language.
Topics of interest are drawn from the Ancient Egyptian texts, Ancient to Modern Afrocentric historiography and Egyptology:
Ancient Egyptian Language (AEL)
Ancient Egyptian Priesthood, Religious Piety, Pathways & Worship
Ankh (acrux ansata)
Amduat (Am-Tuat) - Book of the Secret Chamber, Vol. I
Book of Gates, Vol. II
The Books of the Other World, Vol. III
The Book of the Dead - Book of Coming Forth by Day
The 42 Laws of Ma'at
The Pyramid Texts
The Coffin Texts - Book of Two Ways
Khemetic Orthodox Religion
Book of Caverns
Book of the Earth
Historical Deceptions
In addition to this, related topics include reincarnation, mummification, the pyramids, hieroglyphics, pharaohs and pharaonic history, dynasties, theology, archaeology, geography, and anthropology drawing from a variety of academic and field study resources. Since this is such a massive, scholarly and unfunded undertaking (project) by all of our Temple members we will eventually get around to clearing up any ambiguities and misinformation presented on this web page and out website as time permits. Please feel free to assist us in our goal to present valid information by contacting us at: soek @ templeofkheti . org
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