Friday, December 16, 2005


Basic Properties & Associations

Botanical Name - Styrax benzoin

Family - N.O. Styraceae

Folk Names - Ben, Benjamen, Gum Benzoin, Siam Benzoin, Siamese Benzoin

Element - Air

Gender - Masculine

Planetary - Sun

Spiritual Energy - Purification, Healing, Prosperity

Benzoin is native to Siam, Sumatra and Java and is a fragrant balsamic resin obtained from the Styrax Benzoin Dryander (Balsamo benjui) and other species of Styrax (Faro. Styracece). The Styrax species are a group of deciduous, evergreen trees and shrubs. Normally these trees do not produce the benzoin resinous gum. The resinous secretion (balsam) has been used in incense, pomades, lotions, liniments, perfumes, tinctures, tooth powders, as an expectorant, inhalant, oil, preservative, and as a pulmonary antiseptic.

Spiritual - Magickal Uses: Add benzoin to purification incenses and burn to purify, cleanse, or banish. Benzoin is very good botanical when used in doing astral (projection) work. Add benzoin to the herb Dittany of Crete (Dictamus origanoides) to create an astral projection incense. Apply benzoin oil to candles then light them to create a peaceful space or environment. Benzoin can be burned as an incense to help with calming a space (sacred space or not) and to bring about positive flow of energy into your work space.

□ Kheti Metaphysical Institute