Sunday, December 25, 2005


"Motivation is the first movement of knowledge. The ability to care comes from being motivated. when feelings are acknowledged, respected, honored and worked with, their energy is clearly transformed into motivation. There is a strong connection between motivation and the creative force.

For many activities, pure survival is the motivation. Creativity, however, requires a spiritual or philosophical belief, whatever it may be, that provides a foundation for the experience. Without this foundation, the experience of creativity is and void, for there must be an avenue by which once reaches within the spiritual realm to tap energy needed to achieve the finished creative product.

The second movement of knowledge is the wisdom that comes from pure experience, which begins as desire. A watercolor painter, for example, has the desire to enjoy watercolors as an art form. Desire takes you within the experience of the medium itself, stimulating your perception. This in turn feeds your ability to visualize creativity.

Visualize the finished product and enjoy it. Do this before you begin, so that you can see the result. In this way, creativity is a spiralling flow, a cycle, with no beginning and no end.

Responsibility is the closing movement of knowledge. The best way to understand creative responsibility is to think of a mother and father giving birth to a baby. The baby will be a facet of their existence. Each thing that you create is a piece of what and who you are."

▪ Wolf Moondance