Saturday, December 17, 2005

If You Believe . . .

If you believe in a higher energy of spirituality then there is never any question of your faith. The problems I have always witnessed and have been bothered with are those human beings who deem themselves as personal emissaries of their monotheistic beliefs and belief systems.

What makes me laugh often as I just shake my head is that these same human beings denounce me and others who practice Alternative Spirituality.

The world wide media DOES NOT venture or seek out those who practice alternative spiritual paths. This is why there are online journals, eGroups, forums, and more that exist. We get no financial support in the United States of America from our so-called government of democracy because we do not believe in monotheism and truly oppressive, regressive, suppressive Christian religions of and by the those same human purveyors of said mainstream theologies. Any Christian clergy with whom I have talked with have always been enlightened through me because I have known more than them about their own religion from my learned background in Old and New Testament theological training and studies on and from a very severe academic level. I teach them. This is not how I wish to spend my time as an ordained minister; I have my own religion--namely Ancient Egyptian religion and theology. I was not called to ministry to battle for social and political justice. I was called to help and tend to the spiritual needs of everyone regardless of an individual's faith or non-faith. If you seek me out for help, then I will help you no matter your circumstance or situation--because this is what I do. If there is a bird with a broken wing, then I will attempt to heal the bird's broken wing. If you are someone with a broken spirit, then I will try to heal your broken spirit in a manner agreeable with you based on the universal laws of spirituality and nature. It's really simple to convey advice and begin a method of spiritual healing once you cut out all of the nonsense and malarkey.

Religious persecution comes in many forms and shapes--history has shown all of us this as pure fact.

The facts speak for themselves in the United States. The same offspring of European ancestors and eventual immigrants who voluntarily came to this land (now called the United States) have now come to the forefront in order to sanction that their religious belief system of Christianity is the only one religion which is right for all--for all American citizens who have the freedom of choice to practice their religion afforded by the Constitution. I started all of my forums and websites because I grew tired of non-mainstream religious clergy, followers, seekers, and practitioners being treated as second-class citizens in America. Keep in mind that I do firmly believe in social, economic, and political equality for EVERYONE, including animals and our ecology.

America had already been founded by the pre-existing indigenous cultures and not by Columbus, namely those who have been given the "gov'mint" name "Native Americans". It was those invading European immigrants who fled to what is now called America, the United States, the USA, etc. from the tyranny of their European homelands of the time. For the most part, their flee and/or banishment from their homelands was due to their own seeking religious freedom. As for the attack on Christmas or the so-called taking Christ out of Christmas--po-leez! Get a life! I have truly loss respect for these clergy and politicians who promote this sad right-wing, fascist agenda. Their polls claim that 90 to 96 percent of all Americans believe in Christianity--well, I beg to differ with those fictitious statistics because, I do know of many people who were not polled and who do not believe in Christianity in the United States. It's always very odd that myself and others were never polled.

The bottom line is that we all need to live, work, and help everyone together in harmony. The religious divisiveness stemming from the pulpits of certain Christian groups needs to cease because I surely doubt that the prophet named Jesus, a Hebrew (a member of or descendant from one of a group of Northern Semitic peoples including the Israelites, Semites, and Hamites) man, did not teach about the negativity purveyed by so many Christian clergy, their organizations, and their members. Even though I do not practice Christianity, I do recognize and respect everyone's religious and non-religious beliefs, opinions, etc. I call this religious tolerance. And I would like to be able to chime into the White House daily with my religious thoughts, mission, and political agenda that so many faith-based Christian organizations are and have been privy too way before the Bush Administration. Why? So that my Kemetic-Wiccan ministry can get some of those mighty dollars to help our temple, churches, covens, and spiritual organizations to fund educational projects, create grassroots economic development projects and organizations, and to further our mission of helping all who are in need without evangelizing them in the process. We are all about doing the work in service of a spiritually higher, unified goddess and god within our pantheon of deities.

There are good and bad human beings in all cultures from their religious beliefs all the way through their sociology, psychology, policy, oral and written language--and of course, their intended hurtful actions toward other fellow human beings.

There is no hell! We all are not going to hell for believing in, showing, extending, and practicing kindness toward all of our fellow human beings, animal kind, and botanical kind! Let's get real about this! I have always found it hard to believe that the Christian God, who is suppose to be a forgiving God would send anyone to hell for extending kindness to and help to anyone or anything because she/he/it didn't proclaim Jesus Christ as savior. Remember, many religions outside of Christianity have gotten along without Jesus for eons. This is not about bashing Christianity either.

War creates nothing but the failure of humans to realize how silly we all are and can be! I surely doubt that Mosaic Law originally or ever stated "Thou Shall Kill" . . . .

We have people, namely children, starving and dying all over the world. This is the true agenda--not waging war against one another. What bothers me is that many Middle Eastern peoples hate me too because of the U.S. government. when President Bush decided to go to war against Iraq, a nation of people of color, he surely didn't ask me or other citizens. Yes, I have valid issues with President Bush's decision to beat up on Iraq! I am not a patriot of bully imperialism. I am not a patriot of imperialism period since I am indeed an ancestral "product" of the African Slave Trade, African Diaspora, and Jim Crow Law.

We have so many people unemployed in America and globally. We have so many people who are homeless, hungry, and ill (because of no adequate health care) in America. If you get sick without health insurance here in America--you will die! No joke--I have plenty of proof! We have so many with so plenty--who DO NOT help any of our fellow humans named above. We have so much hatred, bigotry, prejudice, sexism, and racism (all four are different yet equate in meaning) throughout history to the here and now. When are we as humans going to cease these negative behaviors? And this is not a rhetorical question! Last but not least, do not listen to those politicians who “preach" and who ARE NOT called to ministry, ordained or trained clergy—number one!

Just keep in mind that the real hell is the true hell your friends, family, co-workers, associates, significant others, hypocrits, and strangers put upon you each and every day. And many of you foolishly call this life!

Look to those people truly do good--not those who are materialistic and bent on destruction of civilization. Look to those people who make a difference in science, health care, and education (in no certain order) because these are the folks who go unsung so often. Our teachers get such a raw deal in today's America; our school teachers are just plain disrespected by their students and the parents of the students. One more item of major importance--you just do not want to turn age 30 in America, be overweight, and be physically or mentally disabled in America at any age. You all know what I'm talking about. And this is a very sad statement of not just what America is so-called to be about but what the reality of what America truly is. Do I have all of the answers? No. But I do have many solutions to our global problems and they do not cost millions or billions of dollars. Believe me, I am not the only individual who has solutions--it's just that I am only one human being who is not fearful of speaking out, disseminating the truth, and most of all--keeping it real!

Em Hotep, Blesséd Be & Merry Christmas, and Happy Holiday(s) to all religions of our shared global community—not just during this time of the year but during every day of the year. I have no issues with Christmas, Easter, etc. because I work each and every day in service to my Goddess Aset and God Re.

This was excerpted from my upcoming book Please Don't Come Back Again.

Rev. Dr. K.A. Sahure, D.D., Msc.D. (D.Met.),
Elder Kemetic-Wiccan Minister,
Temple of Kemetic Wicca