Saturday, July 7, 2007



I have let my hair down
To feel it flowing all around me,
And my feet and I are bare.

I will follow you wherever you go
You cannot run from me,
Or I will send my laughter

Out upon the wind to haunt you
And I will sing softly,
Sing you back to me

And you will have no choice.
I will touch you with these fingers
Gently, upon your shoulder

So you cannot move.
Now my enchantments swirl
In colors, all around you

Holding you in place.
I will not let you leave me,
Only my lips will ever kiss you.

You have tried to break my magicks
But my chains are pulling tight
Yes, tighter still around you.

I am wearing scented oils
Blended with my blood and yours
Oh, turn back to me with love...

Or stay a prisoner and enchanted!
A frozen statue without kisses,
With only memory's torment.

© Copyright 7/07/07

Beth Clare Johnson
(Mystic Raven)