Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Poem: You Are From My Dreams

For many years I have been watchful and
Dreaming for the right one for me
There has always been this one
That has dark hair but no face
But his touch was always the same

In my dreams he has always made me feel
Completely at peace with myself
My fears

He has constantly been with me
Every slumberous night for years
I have met with him
I enjoy the world of our dreams

I once made a wish for the one
To come into my life that from
The moment we met we would know

That I could fee completely at ease with and
That our love should be so strong
Nothing would stand in our way
Not time
Not space
Not life

Now you have emerged from my mind
After I had given all hope up in finding you
We are the same as in our slumber
We’ve talked about how it feels like we’ve
Been together for years
When we have been together since time began
Yes darling dreams can come true

Copyright © September 5, 2001 by Bronwyn